var tabs = new Array();
var cookiepath="/"; // cookie path component
function init()
/* IE version check: older than 8.0 are not supported */
var IEver = navigator.userAgent.match("MSIE [0-9]*");
if (IEver && (document.cookie.match("oldIE=") == null)) {
IEver = parseInt(IEver[0].slice(4));
if (IEver<8) {
alert("Warning! IE versions older than 8.0 are not supported.");
document.cookie = "oldIE=1;path="+cookiepath;
var pos = navigator.userAgent.indexOf("NokiaN9");
if (pos > -1 && document.cookie.match("NokiaN9=") == null) {
document.cookie = "NokiaN9=1;path="+cookiepath;
alert("When using the Developer Library on a Harmattan device, use two fingers to scroll. For the best viewing experience, we recommend accessing the site from your workstation.");
/* Check if the web browser is a mobile version or has a small screen resolution */
if(navigator.userAgent.match(/NokiaN9/i) || navigator.userAgent.match(/Maemo/i) || navigator.userAgent.match(/Android/i) || navigator.userAgent.match(/webOS/i) || navigator.userAgent.match(/iPhone/i) || navigator.userAgent.match(/iPod/i) || screen.width <= 650 ){
/* path for cookies */
if (location.pathname.length > 1) {
var upcount = 0;
prefixparts = relpath.split("/");
for (var i in prefixparts) {
if (prefixparts[i]=="..")
var pathparts = location.pathname.slice(1).split("/");
for (var i=0; i invalidate old tree cookies
for (var i = 0; i < TREEVIEWS.length; i++) {
document.cookie = "tree"+i+"=;"+"path="+cookiepath;
document.cookie = "scroll"+i+"=;"+"path="+cookiepath;
/* write current build stamp */
document.cookie = "build="+build+";path="+cookiepath;
/* init treeview in sidebar */
var index = getTabIndex();
if (TOPICS_TAB_INDEX == index || LIBRARIES_TAB_INDEX == index || GUIDE_TAB_INDEX == index) {
if (index != DEFAULT_TAB_INDEX)
setLinks({"tab": index});
/* sidebar resizing using jquery ui */
$("#sidebar").resizable({handles: 'e'}).bind("resize", function(event, ui) {
var p = parseInt($("#sidebar").css("width").slice(0,-2))
+ parseInt($("#sidebar").css("padding-left").slice(0,-2))*2
+ parseInt($("#content_and_sidebar").css("padding-left").slice(0,-2))*2;
$("#body-content").css("left", p+"px");
document.cookie = "tabw="+parseInt($("#sidebar").css("width").slice(0,-2))+";path="+cookiepath;
if (typeof resizeCallback == "function")
if (typeof resizeCallback == "function") {
var m = document.cookie.match("tabw=(\\d+)");
if (m)
/* jquery ui tooltips */
$("#content_and_sidebar img, #tabs img").tooltip({
track: true,
delay: 0,
showURL: false,
showBody: " - ",
fade: 250
/* swipe image hover */
$("#swipelink").bind("mouseover", function() {
src = $("#swipeimg").attr("src");
src_hover = src.replace("normal", "hover");
$("#swipeimg").attr("src", src_hover);});
$("#swipelink").bind("mouseout", function() {
src_hover = $("#swipeimg").attr("src");
src_normal = src.replace("hover", "normal");
$("#swipeimg").attr("src", src_normal);});
if (document.cookie.length>0) {// sidebar session from cookies
/* tab width */
var w = document.cookie.match("tabw=[0-9]*");
if (w) {
w = parseInt(w[0].slice(5));
var p = w + parseInt($("#sidebar").css("padding-left").slice(0,-2))*2 + parseInt($("#content_and_sidebar").css("padding-left").slice(0,-2))*2;
$("#sidebar").css("width", w+"px");
$("#body-content").css("left", p+"px");
var currentNodes = new Array(); //tree nodes corresponding to the open page (per tab)
/* inits treeview in tab */
function treeInit(index) {
var focus;
var tree = new YAHOO.widget.TreeView("treeview-" + index);
//init root node
rootData = TREEVIEWS[index][0]
var obj = {label: rootData[0],
href: relpath + "/" + rootData[1] + (index != DEFAULT_TAB_INDEX ? "?tab="+index : "")};
if (rootData[2] != null) {
obj.title = rootData[2];
} else {
obj.title = rootData[0];
var rootNode = new YAHOO.widget.TextNode(obj, tree.getRoot(), false);
rootNode.expanded = rootData[3];
openCurrentNode(index, tree, useTreeCookie);
if (useTreeCookie) {
treeCookieRead(index, tree);
tree.setDynamicLoad(function(treeNode, fnLoadComplete) {
loadNodeData(treeNode, index);
if (useTreeCookie) {
tree.subscribe("expandComplete", function(node) {
treeCookieWrite(index, node, false);
tree.subscribe("collapseComplete", function(node) {
treeCookieWrite(index, node, true);
$("#treeview-"+index).scroll(function (event) {
setTimeout(function(){scrollRead(index, tree, currentNodes[index]);}, 20);
tabs[index] = tree;
/* expand node corresponding to current page */
function openCurrentNode(index, tree, useTreeCookie) {
//current page from js array embedded in html
var branch = treecodes[index];
var node = tree.getRoot();
var n = 0;
for (var j in branch) {
node = node.children[parseInt(branch[j])];
if (!node.dynamicLoadComplete && n < branch.length-1) {
loadNodeData(node, index);
node.expanded = true;
node.dynamicLoadComplete = true;
if (useTreeCookie)
treeCookieWrite(index, node, false);
if (n == branch.length-1) {
currentNodes[index] = node;
/* tree cookie handling functions */
/* reads tree cookie and expands those tree nodes that are saved in it */
function treeCookieRead(index, tree) {
var cookiename = "tree" + index;
var cookie = document.cookie.match(cookiename+"=[^;]*");
var branches = []
if (cookie) {
cookie = cookie[0].slice(cookiename.length+1); //contents
if (cookie) {
branches = cookie.split("/").slice(0,-1);
/* expand all branches saved in the cookie */
for (var i=0; i = true -> remove from cookie, otherwise add to it */
function treeCookieWrite(index, node, collapse) {
var cookiename = "tree" + index;
/* index to this node in the tree */
var tree_index = [];
var indexNode = node;
var branch="";
while (indexNode.parent) {
var sibling_i = 0;
while (indexNode.previousSibling) {
indexNode = indexNode.previousSibling;
branch = sibling_i + "-" + branch;
indexNode = indexNode.parent;
if (branch[branch.length-1] == "-")
branch = branch.slice(0,-1)
if (!branch)
if (node.children.length == 0) {//leaf node -> no saving
if (collapse) {
var cookie = document.cookie.match(cookiename+"=[^;]*");
if (cookie) {
cookie = cookie[0].slice(cookiename.length+1);
finding1 = cookie.match("^"+branch+"/");
finding2 = cookie.match("/"+branch+"/");
if (finding1) {
cookie = cookie.replace(finding1[0], "");
} else if (finding2) {
cookie = cookie.replace(finding2[0].slice(1), "");
document.cookie = cookiename+"="+cookie + ";path="+cookiepath;
} else {
var cookie = document.cookie.match(cookiename+"=[^;]*");
var insertPos = 0;
if (cookie) {
cookie = cookie[0].slice(cookiename.length+1);
if (cookie == "")
var branches = "";
var branches = cookie.split("/");
for (var i=0; i < branches.length-1; i++) {
if (branches[i] == branch) {
return; //already added -> return
} else {
if (branches[i].length <= branch.length)
insertPos += branches[i].length+1;
else //insertion position found (length ordering)
if (!cookie || (cookie.length + branch.length<4040)) {
if (insertPos >= 2) {
var part1 = cookie.slice(0, insertPos);
var part2 = cookie.slice(insertPos);
cookie = part1 + branch + "/" + part2;
} else
cookie = branch + "/";
document.cookie = cookiename + "=" + cookie + ";path="+cookiepath;
/* gets stored sidebar scrollbar position from cookie and sets as current pos */
function scrollRead(index, tree, pageNode) {
if (tree.locked) {//wait for dynamic tree load
setTimeout(function(){scrollRead(index, tree, pageNode);}, 20);
/* read scroll cookie */
var scrollcookiename = "scroll" + index;
var scroll = document.cookie.match(scrollcookiename+"=[^;]+");
var scrollPos = 0;
if (scroll) {
scroll = scroll[0].slice(scrollcookiename.length + 1).split("/");
var scrollMaxCurr = $("#treeview-"+index).attr("scrollHeight");
if (scrollMaxCurr == parseInt(scroll[1]))
scrollPos = parseInt(scroll[0]);
/* find the current element into view if not there */
if (pageNode) {
var nodePos = pageNode.getEl().offsetTop;
var nodeH = pageNode.getEl().offsetHeight;
var scrollVisH = parseInt($("#sidebar").attr("offsetHeight"));
var scrollH = parseInt($("#treeview-"+index).attr("scrollHeight"));
if (nodePos > scrollPos + scrollVisH || nodePos + nodeH < scrollPos) {
scrollPos = nodePos - Math.floor(scrollVisH/2);
if (scrollPos + scrollVisH > scrollH)
scrollPos = scrollH - scrollVisH;
if (scrollPos < 0)
scrollPos = 0;
$("#treeview-" + index).attr("scrollTop", scrollPos);
/* finally actually set the scroll if needed */
if (scrollPos > 0)
$("#treeview-" + index).attr("scrollTop", scrollPos);
$("#treeview-" + index).attr("scrollTop", scrollPos);
/* writes sidebar scrollbar position */
function scrollWrite(index) {
var scroll = $("#treeview-"+index).attr("scrollTop");
var scrollMax = $("#treeview-"+index).attr("scrollHeight");
var cookiename = "scroll" + index;
document.cookie = cookiename+"="+scroll+"/"+scrollMax+";path="+cookiepath;
/* returns tab in url if there is one, default tab otherwise */
function getTabIndex() {
var q = /tab=(\d+)/.exec(location.href);
return q && q[1] >= 0 && q[1] <= 3 ? parseInt(q[1]) : DEFAULT_TAB_INDEX;
/* modifies links on a page so that they contain page parameters
(currently: the current tab and possibly a search keyword) */
function setLinks(params) {
var parameters;
for (p in params) {
if (!parameters) {
parameters = ["?", p, "=", params[p]].join("");
} else {
parameters = [parameters, "&", p, "=", params[p]].join("");
var re = new RegExp("^[a-zA-Z]*:");
$("#body-content a").each(function() {
var href = this.getAttribute("href");
if (href && !re.test(href)) {
var pos = href.indexOf("#");
if (pos > -1) {
var hash = href.substring(pos);
href = href.substring(0, pos);
href = href + parameters + hash;
} else {
href = href + parameters;
this.setAttribute("href", href);
function makeNodeUrl(href, query) {
var absolutePattern = /:/; //found in absolute URLs
var parts = href.split("#", 2);
if (parts.length == 2) {
if (parts[0].search(absolutePattern)>=0) {
return [parts[0], query, "#", parts[1]].join("");
} else {
return [relpath, "/", parts[0], query, "#", parts[1]].join("");
} else {
if (>=0) {
return [href, query].join("");
} else {
return [relpath, "/", href, query].join("");
/* dynamically loads to tree in tab */
function loadNodeData(treeNode, index) {
/* index to this node in the tree */
var tree_index = [];
var indexNode = treeNode;
while (indexNode.parent) {
var sibling_i = 0;
while (indexNode.previousSibling) {
indexNode = indexNode.previousSibling
indexNode = indexNode.parent;
/* get node data from TREEVIEWS (treedata.js) */
var data = TREEVIEWS[index][tree_index.pop()]
while (tree_index.length > 0) {
data = data[4][tree_index.pop()];
if (!data) {
return false;
childData = data[4];
if (!childData) {
return false;
var query = index != DEFAULT_TAB_INDEX ? "?tab=" + index : "";
for (var i in childData) {
var node = childData[i];
var obj = { label: node[0], href: makeNodeUrl(node[1], query) };
if (node[2] != null) {
obj.title = node[2];
} else {
obj.title = node[0];
var tmpNode = new YAHOO.widget.TextNode(obj, treeNode, false);
tmpNode.focus = function(){return true;}
if (node[4] == null || node[4].length == 0) {
tmpNode.isLeaf = true;
tmpNode.expanded = node[3];
return true;
function setupMobileVersion() {
$("#content_and_sidebar").css("position", "relative");
$("#sidebar").css("overflow", "auto");
$("#sidebar").css("width", "290px");
$("#body-content").css("position", "relative");
$("#body-content").css("left", "320px");
function resizeMobileVersion() {
var w = window.innerWidth - 380;