
eglGetProcAddress — return a GL or an EGL extension function

C Specification

void (* eglGetProcAddress)()( char const * procname);



Specifies the name of the function to return.


eglGetProcAddress returns the address of the extension function named by procname. procname must be a null-terminated string. The pointer returned should be cast to a function pointer type matching the extension function's definition in that extension specification. A return value of NULL indicates that the specific function does not exist for the EGL implementation.

A non-NULL return value does not guarantee that an extension function is actually supported at runtime. The client must also query glGetString(GL_EXTENSIONS) or eglQueryString(display, EGL_EXTENSIONS) to determine if an extension is supported by a particular context or display.

Function pointers returned by eglGetProcAddress are independent of the display and the currently bound context and may be used by any context which supports the extension.

eglGetProcAddress may be queried for all GL and EGL extension functions.


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