MeeGo 1.2 Harmattan Developer Documentation Develop for the Nokia N9


Member MeeGo::QmDeviceMode::setMode (DeviceMode mode)
mce::DeviceModeControl Resource token required to set the device (normal/flight) mode.

Member MeeGo::QmDeviceMode::setPSMBatteryMode (int percentages)
mce::DeviceModeControl Resource token required to set the powersave automode.

Member MeeGo::QmDeviceMode::setPSMState (PSMState state)
mce::DeviceModeControl Resource token required to set the powersave state.

Member MeeGo::QmLocks::setDeviceAutolockTime (int seconds)
mce::DeviceLockControl Resource token required to set the device lock timeout.

Member MeeGo::QmLocks::setState (QmLocks::Lock what, QmLocks::State how)
mce::TKLockControl Resource token required to set the touchscreen/keypad lock state.

Member MeeGo::QmSystemState::set (NextState nextState)
dsme::DeviceStateControl Resource token required to set the device state (shutdown/reboot/powerup).

Member MeeGo::QmTime::setAutoSystemTime (enum AutoSystemTimeStatus new_status)
timed::TimeControl Resource token required to set the network time autosync mode.

Member MeeGo::QmTime::setAutoTimeZone (enum AutoTimeZoneStatus new_status)
timed::TimeControl Resource token required to set the network time autosync mode.

Member MeeGo::QmTime::setTime (time_t time)
timed::TimeControl Resource token required to set the device time.

Member MeeGo::QmTime::setTimezone (const QString tz)
timed::TimeControl Resource token required to set the device time zone.

(C) 2009-2011 Nokia Corporation
LGPL Lesser General Public License
MeeGo 1.2 Harmattan API