This tutorial shows you how to create a small example application that uses tabs, page navigation, dialogs and some basic controls.
Tutorial code is found from the public git repository under the examples/src/meego directory. Note also that the ComponentGallery in the same repository is a good source of information.
The tutorial application is built of four separate QML pages:
Application is constructred using the MeeGo 1.2 Harmattan-specific PageStackWindow that brings the page navigation, toolbar, statusbar and platform common look and feel for free. Main page also declares a common toolbar that is used in pages which does not declare their own toolbars.
//main.qml import QtQuick 1.1 import 1.1 PageStackWindow { id: rootWindow property int pageMargin: 16 // ListPage is shown when the application starts, it links to // the component specific pages initialPage: MainPage { } // These tools are shared by most sub-pages by assigning the // id to a tools property of a page ToolBarLayout { id: commonTools visible: false ToolIcon { iconId: "toolbar-back"; onClicked: { myMenu.close(); pageStack.pop(); } } ToolIcon { iconId: "toolbar-view-menu"; onClicked: (myMenu.status == DialogStatus.Closed) ? : myMenu.close() } } }
Perhaps the most important part of the main.qml is the place where the navigation page content is declared. The initialPage property for PageStackWindow defines the first Page components that is shown when the PageStackWindow is shown to the user.
initialPage: MainPage { }
The content of the common toolbar is declared in the main.qml file. This is used if the pages inside the PageStackWindow is not having their own toolbar. The common toolbar visibility if false as default. Pages needs to explicitly tell when they are used.
ToolBarLayout { id: commonTools visible: false ToolIcon { iconId: "toolbar-back"; onClicked: { myMenu.close(); pageStack.pop(); } } ToolIcon { iconId: "toolbar-view-menu"; onClicked: (myMenu.status == DialogStatus.Closed) ? : myMenu.close() } }
MainPage component presents a lists of the available sub pages. The page content is in Flickable so that if the amount of pages would be more than what fits into one page user can pan it.
Page links are put into a list. This way, adding new links is very easy. Only thing that is needed is to add a new ListElement into the ListModel. The delegate for the list view is used to render the actual list entry. For more info how this is customized see the QML documentation.
Note that the page is only loaded when the user is going to navigate to it. This lazy loading is good way to ensure faster start-up time for the demo application. It also saves memory.
Page also declares ScrollDecorator for the Flickable. This way small scrolling indicators are shown when the page is panned.
One interesting item is also the URL used to load the images. For example the list view delegate defines the background image with following URL
BorderImage { ... source: "image://theme/meegotouch-list-background-pressed-center" }
This means that the image is loaded from the theme daemon, that shares the most common icons and graphics accross the all running applications. This way memory is not consumed for each application, but the graphic is loaded to the device memory only once.
//MainPage.qml import QtQuick 1.1 import 1.1 Page { id: listPage anchors.margins: rootWindow.pageMargin function openFile(file) { var component = Qt.createComponent(file) if (component.status == Component.Ready) pageStack.push(component); else console.log("Error loading component:", component.errorString()); } ListModel { id: pagesModel ListElement { page: "SimpleExamplesPage.qml" title: "Simple examples" subtitle: "Buttons, TextField, ToolBar and ViewMenu" } ListElement { page: "DialogsPage.qml" title: "Dialogs" subtitle: "How to use different dialogs" } } ListView { id: listView anchors.fill: parent model: pagesModel delegate: Item { id: listItem height: 88 width: parent.width BorderImage { id: background anchors.fill: parent // Fill page borders anchors.leftMargin: -listPage.anchors.leftMargin anchors.rightMargin: -listPage.anchors.rightMargin visible: mouseArea.pressed source: "image://theme/meegotouch-list-background-pressed-center" } Row { anchors.fill: parent Column { anchors.verticalCenter: parent.verticalCenter Label { id: mainText text: model.title font.weight: Font.Bold font.pixelSize: 26 } Label { id: subText text: model.subtitle font.weight: Font.Light font.pixelSize: 22 color: "#cc6633" visible: text != "" } } } Image { source: "image://theme/icon-m-common-drilldown-arrow" + (theme.inverted ? "-inverse" : "") anchors.right: parent.right; anchors.verticalCenter: parent.verticalCenter } MouseArea { id: mouseArea anchors.fill: background onClicked: { listPage.openFile(page) } } } } ScrollDecorator { flickableItem: listView } }
DialogsPage contains example of two dialogs: single selection dialog and query dialog. Interesting part is also the page specific menu.
//DialogsPage.qml import QtQuick 1.1 import 1.1 Page { id: root tools: tabTools anchors.margins: rootWindow.pageMargin QueryDialog { id: query icon: "image://theme/icon-l-contacts" titleText: "Query Dialog Example" message: "Press accept or reject button" acceptButtonText: "Accept" rejectButtonText: "Reject" onAccepted: labelQueryResult.text = "Result: Accepted"; onRejected: labelQueryResult.text = "Result: Rejected"; } SelectionDialog { id: singleSelectionDialog titleText: "Single Selection Dialog Header" selectedIndex: 1 model: ListModel { ListElement { name: "ListElement #1" } ListElement { name: "ListElement #2" } ListElement { name: "ListElement #3" } ListElement { name: "ListElement #4" } ListElement { name: "ListElement #5" } ListElement { name: "ListElement #6" } ListElement { name: "ListElement #7" } ListElement { name: "ListElement #8" } ListElement { name: "ListElement #9" } ListElement { name: "ListElement #10" } } } // Create page and buttons ScrollDecorator { flickableItem: container } Flickable { id: container x: 0 // we need to set the width and height y: 0 width: root.width height: root.height contentWidth: dialogs.width contentHeight: dialogs.height flickableDirection: Flickable.VerticalFlick pressDelay: 100 Column { id: dialogs spacing: 24 Row { spacing: 32 Button { text: "Query" width: 200 onClicked: {; } } Label { id: labelQueryResult text: "Result: N/A" } } Row { spacing: 32 Button { text: "SingleSelection" width: 200 onClicked: {; } } Grid { rows: screen.orientation == Screen.Landscape || screen.orientation == Screen.LandscapeInverted ? 1 : 2 Rectangle { width: 200 height: 30 color: "white" Text { y: 10 anchors.centerIn: parent text: "Selected:" font.pixelSize: 15 font.bold: true } } Rectangle { width: 200 height: 30 color: "lightgray" Text { anchors.centerIn: parent text: singleSelectionDialog.model.get(singleSelectionDialog.selectedIndex).name font.pixelSize: 15 font.bold: true } } } } Row { spacing: 32 Button { text: "Color menu" width: 200 onClicked: {; } } Rectangle { id : colorRect width: 50; height: 50; color : "black" MouseArea { anchors.fill: parent onClicked: {; } } } } } } ToolBarLayout { id: tabTools ToolIcon { iconId: "toolbar-back"; onClicked: { colorMenu.close(); pageStack.pop(); } } ToolIcon { iconId: "toolbar-view-menu" ; onClicked:; } } Menu { id: colorMenu visualParent: pageStack MenuLayout { MenuItem {text: "Red"; onClicked: { colorRect.color = "darkred" } } MenuItem {text: "Green"; onClicked: { colorRect.color = "darkgreen" }} MenuItem {text: "Blue"; onClicked: { colorRect.color = "darkblue" }} MenuItem {text: "Yellow"; onClicked: { colorRect.color = "yellow" }} } } }
SimpleExamplesPage contains example of toolbar and menu.
//SimpleExamplesPage.qml import QtQuick 1.1 import 1.1 Page { id: buttonsPage tools: buttonTools anchors.margins: rootWindow.pageMargin ToolBarLayout { id: buttonTools ToolIcon { iconId: "toolbar-back"; onClicked: { myMenu.close(); pageStack.pop(); } } ToolButtonRow { ToolButton { text: "Copy"; onClicked: { label.text = textField.text } } ToolButton { text: "Clear"; onClicked: { textField.text = ""; label.text = "empty label" } } } ToolIcon { iconId: "toolbar-view-menu" ; onClicked:; } } Flickable { id: flickable anchors.fill: parent flickableDirection: Flickable.VerticalFlick Button { id: button; anchors.topMargin: 32 anchors.leftMargin: 32 width: 450 text: "Copy text from TextField to Label" onClicked: { label.text = textField.text } } TextField { id: textField placeholderText: "TextField" button.bottom anchors.left: button.left anchors.topMargin: 16 width: 450 } Label { id: label textField.bottom anchors.left: textField.left anchors.topMargin: 16 text: "empty label" } } ScrollDecorator { flickableItem: flickable } Menu { id: myMenu visualParent: pageStack MenuLayout { MenuItem { text: "Move text from TextField to Label"; onClicked: { label.text = textField.text } } MenuItem { text: "Clear everything"; onClicked: { textField.text = ""; label.text = "empty label" } } } } }
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