AlbumDelegate.qml Example File

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 ** This file is part of the QtDeclarative module of the Qt Toolkit.
 ** GNU Lesser General Public License Usage
 ** This file may be used under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
 ** License version 2.1 as published by the Free Software Foundation and
 ** appearing in the file LICENSE.LGPL included in the packaging of this
 ** file. Please review the following information to ensure the GNU Lesser
 ** General Public License version 2.1 requirements will be met:
 ** In addition, as a special exception, Nokia gives you certain additional
 ** rights. These rights are described in the Nokia Qt LGPL Exception
 ** version 1.1, included in the file LGPL_EXCEPTION.txt in this package.
 ** GNU General Public License Usage
 ** Alternatively, this file may be used under the terms of the GNU General
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 ** Other Usage
 ** Alternatively, this file may be used in accordance with the terms and
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 import QtQuick 1.0

 Component {
     id: albumDelegate
     Package {

         Item {
             GridView {
                 id: photosGridView; model:; width: mainWindow.width; height: mainWindow.height - 21
                 x: 0; y: 21; cellWidth: 160; cellHeight: 153; interactive: false
                 onCurrentIndexChanged: photosListView.positionViewAtIndex(currentIndex, ListView.Contain)

         Item {
             ListView {
                 id: photosListView; model:; orientation: Qt.Horizontal
                 width: mainWindow.width; height: mainWindow.height; interactive: false
                 onCurrentIndexChanged: photosGridView.positionViewAtIndex(currentIndex, GridView.Contain)
                 highlightRangeMode: ListView.StrictlyEnforceRange; snapMode: ListView.SnapOneItem

         Item {
             id: albumWrapper; width: 210; height: 220

             VisualDataModel {
                 id: visualModel; delegate: PhotoDelegate { }
                 model: RssModel { id: rssModel; tags: tag }

             BusyIndicator {
                 id: busyIndicator
                 anchors { centerIn: parent; verticalCenterOffset: -20 }
                 on: rssModel.status != XmlListModel.Ready

             PathView {
                 id: photosPathView; model:; pathItemCount: 5
                 visible: !busyIndicator.visible
                 anchors.centerIn: parent; anchors.verticalCenterOffset: -30
                 path: Path {
                     PathAttribute { name: 'z'; value: 9999.0 }
                     PathLine { x: 1; y: 1 }
                     PathAttribute { name: 'z'; value: 0.0 }

             MouseArea {
                 anchors.fill: parent
                 onClicked: mainWindow.editMode ? photosModel.remove(index) : albumWrapper.state = 'inGrid'

             Tag {
                 anchors { horizontalCenter: parent.horizontalCenter; bottom: parent.bottom; bottomMargin: 10 }
                 frontLabel: tag; backLabel: qsTr("Remove"); flipped: mainWindow.editMode
                 onTagChanged: rssModel.tags = tag
                 onBackClicked: if (mainWindow.editMode) photosModel.remove(index);

             states: [
             State {
                 name: 'inGrid'
                 PropertyChanges { target: photosGridView; interactive: true }
                 PropertyChanges { target: albumsShade; opacity: 1 }
                 PropertyChanges { target: backButton; onClicked: albumWrapper.state = ''; y: 6 }
             State {
                 name: 'fullscreen'; extend: 'inGrid'
                 PropertyChanges { target: photosGridView; interactive: false }
                 PropertyChanges { target: photosListView; interactive: true }
                 PropertyChanges { target: photosShade; opacity: 1 }
                 PropertyChanges { target: backButton; y: -backButton.height - 8 }

             GridView.onAdd: NumberAnimation {
                 target: albumWrapper; properties: "scale"; from: 0.0; to: 1.0; easing.type: Easing.OutQuad
             GridView.onRemove: SequentialAnimation {
                 PropertyAction { target: albumWrapper; property: "GridView.delayRemove"; value: true }
                 NumberAnimation { target: albumWrapper; property: "scale"; from: 1.0; to: 0.0; easing.type: Easing.OutQuad }
                 PropertyAction { target: albumWrapper; property: "GridView.delayRemove"; value: false }

             transitions: [
             Transition {
                 from: '*'; to: 'inGrid'
                 SequentialAnimation {
                     NumberAnimation { properties: 'opacity'; duration: 250 }
                     PauseAnimation { duration: 350 }
                     NumberAnimation { target: backButton; properties: "y"; duration: 200; easing.type: Easing.OutQuad }
             Transition {
                 from: 'inGrid'; to: '*'
                 NumberAnimation { properties: "y,opacity"; easing.type: Easing.OutQuad; duration: 300 }