Basic QML Visual Elements

QML BorderImage Element

The BorderImage element provides an image that can be used as a border.

QML DoubleValidator Element

QML Gradient Element

The Gradient item defines a gradient fill.

QML GradientStop Element

The GradientStop item defines the color at a position in a Gradient.

QML Image Element

The Image element displays an image in a declarative user interface

QML IntValidator Element

QML Item Element

The Item is the most basic of all visual items in QML.

QML Rectangle Element

The Rectangle item provides a filled rectangle with an optional border.

QML RegExpValidator Element

QML Text Element

The Text item allows you to add formatted text to a scene.

QML TextEdit Element

The TextEdit item displays multiple lines of editable formatted text.

QML TextInput Element

The TextInput item displays an editable line of text.