QML View Elements

QML GridView Element

The GridView item provides a grid view of items provided by a model.

QML ListView Element

The ListView item provides a list view of items provided by a model.

QML Path Element

A Path object defines a path for use by PathView.

QML PathAttribute Element

The PathAttribute allows setting an attribute at a given position in a Path.

QML PathCubic Element

The PathCubic defines a cubic Bezier curve with two control points.

QML PathElement Element

PathElement is the base path type.

QML PathLine Element

The PathLine defines a straight line.

QML PathPercent Element

The PathPercent manipulates the way a path is interpreted.

QML PathQuad Element

The PathQuad defines a quadratic Bezier curve with a control point.

QML PathView Element

The PathView element lays out model-provided items on a path.

QML WebView Element

The WebView item allows you to add Web content to a canvas.