MeeGo 1.2 Harmattan Developer Documentation Develop for the Nokia N9

Messaging Installation On Windows Mobile

Get QtMobility and Qt packages

Get the QtMobility Package from

Get Qt 4.5.2 (or newer) Embedded for Windows Mobile package download here.

Install pre-requisites

A perl interpreter such as ActivePerl must be installed and available in the environment path.

Visual Studio 2009 or newer must be installed.

Windows Mobile 6 Standard SDK (including ActiveSync) must be installed download page.

Build Qt

Extract Qt 4.5.2 Embedded (or newer) into your Qt directory on windows. e.g. c:\Qt\4.5.2_winmobile6_standard

Open a Visual Studio cmd shell

Set your PATH to include the Qt binaries

 set PATH=c:\Qt\4.5.2_winmobile6_standard\bin;%PATH%

Set the INCLUDE and LIB vars to point to your ActiveSync sources

 set INCLUDE=%INCLUDE%;C:\Program Files\Windows Mobile 6 SDK\Activesync\inc
 set LIB=%LIB%;C:\Program Files\Windows Mobile 6 SDK\Activesync\Lib

Configure Qt

 cd c:\Qt\4.5.2_winmobile6_standard
 configure.exe -debug -platform win32-msvc2008 -xplatform wincewm60standard-msvc2008 -cetest -plugindir \qtplugins

Run setcepaths to setup embedded compiler paths

 setcepaths wincewm60standard-msvc2008

Use devtools/ibmake or nmake to build. If using ibmake, ensure devtools/shell is in your path and that you have ActivePerl installed on your windows machine




Build QtMobility Messaging

Open a new Visual Studio cmd shell

Set the path to Qt

 set PATH=%PATH%;c:\Qt\4.5.2_winmobile6_standard\bin


 set QMAKESPEC=wincewm60standard-msvc2008

Run setcepaths to set embedded compiler paths

 setcepaths wincewm60standard-msvc2008

Run qmake and build

 cd <path-to-mobility-messaging-depot-or-source-package>

Visual Studio is recommended to build the mobility project for windows mobile, although it is not necessary, it makes debugging and deployment easier.

 cd <path-to-mobility-messaging-depot>
 qmake -tp vc QT_CONFIG+=release -recursive

If using git edit your git configuration so it does not consider Visual Studio files

Edit <path-to-mobility-messaging-depot>/.git/info/exclude

Append the following


Open the generated *.sln file and compile.

If you get errors during the Visual Studio build regarding mainACRT, right click on the project, goto linker-advanced and Clear the Entry-Point value.


Before running a debug instance, ensure that the QtMessaging.dll is a deployment dependency for the examples and tests.

Right click properties on project e.g. serviceactions. Under deployment->addition files add:


Replacing "serviceactions" with the relevant project.