The identifying string for this component is "QtMobility.contacts". Use this in the QML import statement.
The Contacts QML plugin supplies filters to search for contacts with particular values for various properties in the contact details. The Contact itself is represented by a model called a ContactModel. This model supplies a rich selection of properties to display or to use as filter criteria. We can also construct a series of filters and combine them using the IntersectionFilter and UnionFilter to represent a logical 'and' and 'or' of the results. Other properties also give control over the filter logic, such as RangeFlags and the MatchFlags.
The ContactModel element is used to perform the requests on a contacts store. As an example consider the follow QML code which has a ContactModel element containing a filter and a list of sort orders. The contacts will be restricted to those living in Australia who are either male or born between 1970 and 1984.
The list of contacts in this ContactModel will firstly sort on the contacts' organization name and then sort on the contacts' first name.
import QtMobility.contacts 1.1 ... model: ContactModel { filter: IntersectionFilter { DetailFilter { detail:ContactDetail.Address field: Address.Country value: "Australia" } UnionFilter { DetailRangeFilter { detail:ContactDetail.Birthday field:Birthday.Birthday min: '1970-01-01' max: '1984-12-31' } DetailFilter { detail:ContactDetail.Gender field:Gender.Gender value:Gender.Male } } } sortOrders: [ SortOrder { detail:ContactDetail.Organization field:Organization.Name direction:Qt.AscendingOrder }, SortOrder { detail:ContactDetail.Name field:Name.FirstName direction:Qt.AscendingOrder } ] }
The Contact element represents a single contact instance from a the contacts store. All contact details are organized as group properties. The following snippet shows how you can construct a Contact object in QML:
Rectangle { id: topItem width: 360 height: 640 x: 0 y: 0 Contact { id: myContact Name { firstName:"John" lastName:"Gates" } EmailAddress { emailAddress:"" } EmailAddress { emailAddress:"" } address.street:"53 Mysteet St" address.locality: "My City" address.region: "My Region" address.postcode:"1111""My Country" address.subTypes:[Address.Postal, Address.Domestic] address.postOfficeBox:"1111" address.extendedAddress:"Suite 2" Nickname { nickname:"John" } PhoneNumber { number: "1111111111" subTypes:[PhoneNumber.Mobile] } PhoneNumber { number: "2222222222" subTypes:[PhoneNumber.Fax] } PhoneNumber { number: "3333333333" subTypes:[PhoneNumber.Landline] } } Column { spacing:4 //access the same property with different syntaxes Text { text:"Name(from property name):" + + " " + } Text { text:"Name(from detail type):" + myContact.detail(ContactDetail.Name).firstName + " " + } Text { text:"Name(from detail name):" + myContact.detail("Name").firstName + " " + } Text { text:"Address:" + myContact.address.street + " " + myContact.address.locality + " " + myContact.address.region + " " + myContact.address.postcode } //If a contact contains multiple details for the same detail type, you can access them with the dynamic property names. Text { text:"How many email accounts?:" + myContact.emails.length } Text { text:"Email[0]:" + myContact.emails[0].emailAddress } Text { text:"How many phone numbers?:" + myContact.phoneNumbers.length } Text { text:"phone number[0]:" + myContact.phoneNumbers[0].number } Text { text:"phone number[1]:" + myContact.phoneNumbers[1].number } Text { text:"phone number[2]:" + myContact.phoneNumbers[2].number } } }
The ActionFilter element provides a filter based around an action availability criterion. |
The Address element contains an address of a contact. |
The Anniversary element contains an anniversary of a contact. |
The Avatar element contains avatar URLs of a contact. |
The Birthday element contains a birthday of a contact. |
The ChangeLogFilter element provides a filter based around a contact timestamp criterion. |
The Contact element represents an addressbook contact, A Contact object has a collection of details (like a name, phone numbers and email addresses). Each detail (which can have multiple fields) is stored in an appropriate subclass of ContactDetail, and the Contact allows retrieving these details in various ways. |
The ContactDetail element represents a single, complete detail about a contact. |
The ContactModel element provides access to contacts from the contacts store. |
The DetailFilter element provides a filter based around a detail value criterion. |
The DetailRangeFilter element provides a filter based around a detail value range criterion. |
The DisplayLabel element contains the (possibly synthesized) display label of a contact. |
The EmailAddress element contains an email address of a contact. |
The Family element contains names of family members of a contact. |
The Favorite element indicates if a contact is a favorite contact as well as the position it should appear in an ordered list of favorites. |
The FetchHint element provides hints to the manager about which contact information needs to be retrieved in an asynchronous fetch request or a synchronous function call. |
The Filter element is used as a property of ContactModel, to allow selection of contacts which have certain details or properties. |
The Gender element contains the gender of a contact. |
The GeoLocation element contains a global location coordinate associated with a contact. |
The GlobalPresence element provides aggregated presence information for a contact, synthesized or supplied by the backend. |
The Guid element contains a globally unique Id of a contact, for use in synchronization with other datastores. |
The Hobby element contains a hobby of the contact. |
The IdFilter element provides a filter based around a list of contact ids. |
The IntersectionFilter element provides a filter which intersects the results of other filters. |
the InvalidFilter element provides a filter which will never match any contacts. |
The Name element contains a name of a contact. |
The Nickname element contains a nickname of a contact. |
The Note element contains a note associated with a contact. |
The OnlineAccount element contains a note associated with a contact. |
The Organization element provides details about an organization that the contact is either a part of, or stands for. |
The PhoneNumber element provides a phone number of a contact. |
The Presence element provides presence information for an online account of a contact. |
The Relationship element describes a one-to-one relationship between a locally-stored contact and another (possibly remote) contact. |
The RelationshipFilter element provides a filter based around relationship criteria. |
The RelationshipModel provides a model of contact relationships from the contacts store. |
The Ringtone element provides a ringtone associated with a contact. |
The SortOrder element defines how a list of contacts should be ordered according to some criteria. |
The SyncTarget element provides a sync target for a contact. |
The Tag element provides a contains a tag associated with a contact. |
The Timestamp element contains the creation and last-modified timestamp associated with the contact. |
The UnionFilter element provides a filter which unions the results of other filters. |
The Url element contains a url associated with a contact. |
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