The identifying string for this component is "QtMobility.organizer". Use this in the QML import statement.
The Organizer API enables a client to request calendar, schedule and personal data from local or remote backends. The QML Organizer Plugin delivers these capabilities in an easy to use form.
The OrganizerItem element provides a generic interface for accessing events, todos, journals and notes. To actually access specific fields of an item, convenience sub elements of OrganizerItem are offered. These are Event, Todo, Journal and Note. Additionally, EventOccurrence and TodoOccurrence can be used for manipulating occurrences of event or todos.
A recurring item is an item that occurs more than once; for example, a meeting that occurs every week for the next 10 weeks. A recurring item is created by creating an Event or Todo and setting a RecurrenceRule on it to specify the rules for when it should recur. See Recurrence and RecurrenceRule for detail references.
Every item stored in a organizer store belongs to exactly one collection. A collection can have properties such as a name, a "color", a specified icon, a description, and so on. Collections may be added or removed if the backend store supports those operations, or modified. There will always be at least one collection in an organizer, and the organizer manager will always have a default collection into which items are saved if no other collection is specified.
Several sub elements of ItemDetail are provided as part of the QtMobility Organizer API. They are general in design but are intended to fulfill specific use-cases. Please note that certain backends may choose not to support one or more of these elements as they appear here; they may offer their own which provide similar functionality.
The Organizer QML plugin supplies filters to search for organizer items with particular values for various properties in the organizer item details.
All time type properties in QML Organizer such as OrganizerItem.itemEndTime etc are returned in local time. But when assign new values to these properties, the time specs remain the same while saving these values into backend organizer engines.
The AudibleReminder element contains information about an audible reminder of an item. |
The ChangeLogFilter element provides a filter based around a organizer item timestamp criterion. |
The Collection element represents a collection of items in an organizer manager. |
The CollectionFilter element provides a filter based around a list of organizer item ids. |
The Comment element contains the comment text of an organizer item. |
The Description element contains the description text of an organizer item. |
The Detail element represents a single, complete detail about a organizer item. |
The DetailFilter element provides a filter based around a detail value criterion. |
The DetailRangeFilter element provides a filter based around a detail value range criterion. |
The DisplayLabel element contains the display label of an organizer item. |
The EmailReminder element contains information about an email reminder of an item. |
The Event element provides an event in time which may reoccur. |
The EventOccurrence element provides an occurrence of an event. |
The EventTime element contains the start and end dates and times of a recurring event series, or occurrence of an event. |
The FetchHint element provides hints to the manager about which organizer item information needs to be retrieved in an asynchronous fetch request or a synchronous function call. |
The Filter element is used as a property of OrganizerModel, to allow selection of organizer items which have certain details or properties. |
The Guid element contains the GUID string of an organizer item. |
The IdFilter element provides a filter based around a list of organizer item ids. |
The IntersectionFilter element provides a filter which intersects the results of other filters. |
the InvalidFilter element provides a filter which will never match any organizer items. |
The Journal element provides a journal which is associated with a particular point in time. |
The JournalTime element contains the entry date and time of a journal item. |
The Location element contains information about a location which is related to the organizer item in some manner. |
The Note element provides a note which is not associated with any particular point in time. |
The OrganizerItem element represents the in-memory version of a calendar organizer item, and has no tie to a specific backend calendar store. |
The OrganizerModel element provides access to organizer items from the organizer store. |
The Parent element contains information about the event or todo that generated this item. |
The Priority element contains the priority of the organizer item, which may be used to resolve scheduling conflicts. |
The Recurrence element contains a list of rules and dates on which the recurrent item occurs, and a list of rules and dates on which exceptions occur. |
The RecurrenceRule element represents a rule by which a organizer item repeats. |
The Reminder element contains information about when and how the user wants to reminded of the item. |
The SortOrder element defines how a list of organizer item should be ordered according to some criteria. |
The Tag element contains the tag string of an organizer item. |
The Timestamp element contains the created and last modified timestamp of an organizer item's creating date and time. |
The Todo element provides a task which should be completed. |
The TodoOccurrence element provides an occurrence of an event. |
The TodoProgress element contains information about the progress of a todo item. |
The TodoTime element contains the start and due dates and times of a recurring todo series, or occurrence of an todo item. |
The Type element contains the type string of an organizer item. |
The UnionFilter element provides a filter which unions the results of other filters. |
The VisualReminder element contains information about a visual reminder of an item. |
See also OrganizerItem::isFloatingTime and ..
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