MeeGo 1.2 Harmattan Developer Documentation Develop for the Nokia N9

SignOn plugin development


This library contains the interface definition and a few classes that should be used when implementing an authentication plugin for the Single Sign On framework.


Since it currently consists of a few header files and of a single moc-generated .cpp file, the library is built statically.

The library ships with a pkg-config file (signon-plugins.pc) and with a qmake configuration features file (signon-plugins.prf).

List of classes in libsignon-qt

Here are the main classes in the libraries. You can also see the complete list of classes. All classes but the AuthPluginInterface reside in the SignOn namespace.

AuthPluginInterface Interface to be implemented by all authentication plugins.
SignOn::UiSessionData Dictionary of data to be exchanged between the plugin and the SignOn UI.

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