MeeGo 1.2 Harmattan Developer Documentation Develop for the Nokia N9

QML TumblerDialog Element

TumblerDialog is a tumbler style Dialog used with Tumbler More...

Inherits Dialog

Inherited by TumblerDialogNew.

This element was introduced in qt-components 4.7.


Detailed Description

A tumbler dialog is a dialog that shows a tumbler.

 TumblerColumn {
     id: dayColumn
     label: "DAY"
     selectedIndex: 9
     items: daysList

     for (var day = 1; day <= 31; day++) {
         daysList.append({"value" : day});

 TumblerColumn {
     id: monthColumn
     label: "MONTH"
     selectedIndex: 4
     items: monthsList

 ListModel {
     id: monthsList
     ListElement { value: "Jan" }
     ListElement { value: "Feb" }
     ListElement { value: "Mar" }
     ListElement { value: "Apr" }
     ListElement { value: "May" }
     ListElement { value: "Jun" }
     ListElement { value: "Jul" }
     ListElement { value: "Aug" }
     ListElement { value: "Sep" }
     ListElement { value: "Oct" }
     ListElement { value: "Nov" }
     ListElement { value: "Dec" }

 TumblerColumn {
     id: yearColumn
     label: "YEAR"
     selectedIndex: 88
     items: yearsList

     for (var year = 1900; year <= 2011; year++) {
         yearsList.append({"value" : year});

 TumblerDialog {
     titleText: "Date of birth"
     columns: [ dayColumn, monthColumn, yearColumn ]
     onAccepted: callbackFunction()

Property Documentation

acceptButtonText : string

The button text for the accept button.

columns : ListModel

Array of ListModel for each column of the dialog.

rejectButtonText : string

The button text for the reject button.

titleText : string

If not null, it will be used as the title text for the dialog.