Button Component for TabBars More...
Inherits Button
This element was introduced in qt-components 4.7.
The TabButton class provides correct styling for a tab button. It is used together with the ToolBarLayout and TabGroup.
ToolBarLayout { ToolIcon { iconId: "toolbar-back"; onClicked: pageStack.pop(); } ButtonRow { style: TabButtonStyle { } TabButton { text: "Tab1" tab: tab1 } TabButton { text: "Tab2" tab: tab2 } TabButton { text: "Tab3" tab: tab3 } }
When TabGroup is used, items inside the TabGroup must have the same id names as the TabButton tabs have. When Tab1 is pressed tab1 is shown, in next example that is a new PageStack.
For example:
TabGroup { id: tabGroup currentTab: tab1 PageStack { id: tab1 } PageStack { id: tab2 } Page { id: tab3 Column { spacing: 10 Text { text: "This is a single page" } } } }
platformStyle : bool |
Platform specific property to define the style of the button.
tab : bool |
Tab associated to the given TabButton.
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