MeeGo 1.2 Harmattan Developer Documentation Develop for the Nokia N9

QML Window Element

Root container for any application More...

Inherits Rectangle

Inherited by ApplicationWindow, PageStack, and PageStackWindow.

This element was introduced in qt-components 4.7.



Detailed Description

This is the main container for a qt-components application. It is not recommended to directly use the window. Use PageStackWindow instead to provide the frame for the application.

Property Documentation

content : <list>QtObject

Content of the window.

inPortrait : bool

Property default is false.

Read-only, true if the window is currently in portrait.

Signal Documentation

Window::orientationChangeAboutToStart ()

Signal fired when the orientation is going to change.

Window::orientationChangeFinished ()

Signal fired after the orientation animation is completed.

Window::orientationChangeStarted ()

Signal fired when the orientation animation is going to start.