Tile.qml Example File

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 ** This file is part of the QtDeclarative module of the Qt Toolkit.
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 ** GNU General Public License Usage
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 import QtQuick 1.0

 Flipable {
     id: flipable
     property int angle: 0

     width: 40;  height: 40
     transform: Rotation { origin.x: 20; origin.y: 20; axis.x: 1; axis.z: 0; angle: flipable.angle }

     front: Image {
         source: "pics/front.png"; width: 40; height: 40

         Image {
             anchors.centerIn: parent
             source: "pics/flag.png"; opacity: modelData.hasFlag

             Behavior on opacity { NumberAnimation {} }

     back: Image {
         source: "pics/back.png"
         width: 40; height: 40

         Text {
             anchors.centerIn: parent
             text: modelData.hint; color: "white"; font.bold: true
             opacity: !modelData.hasMine && modelData.hint > 0

         Image {
             anchors.centerIn: parent
             source: "pics/bomb.png"; opacity: modelData.hasMine

         Explosion { id: expl }

     states: State {
         name: "back"; when: modelData.flipped
         PropertyChanges { target: flipable; angle: 180 }

     property real pauseDur: 250
     transitions: Transition {
         SequentialAnimation {
             ScriptAction {
                 script: {
                     var ret = Math.abs(flipable.x - field.clickx)
                         + Math.abs(flipable.y - field.clicky);
                     if (modelData.hasMine && modelData.flipped)
                         pauseDur = ret * 3
                         pauseDur = ret
             PauseAnimation {
                 duration: pauseDur
             RotationAnimation { easing.type: Easing.InOutQuad }
             ScriptAction { script: if (modelData.hasMine && modelData.flipped) { expl.explode = true } }

     MouseArea {
         anchors.fill: parent
         acceptedButtons: Qt.LeftButton | Qt.RightButton
         onClicked: {
             field.clickx = flipable.x
             field.clicky = flipable.y
             var row = Math.floor(index / 9)
             var col = index - (Math.floor(index / 9) * 9)
             if (mouse.button == undefined || mouse.button == Qt.RightButton) {
                 flag(row, col)
             } else {
                 flip(row, col)
         onPressAndHold: {
             field.clickx = flipable.x
             field.clicky = flipable.y
             var row = Math.floor(index / 9)
             var col = index - (Math.floor(index / 9) * 9)
             flag(row, col)