QML ScriptAction Element

The ScriptAction element allows scripts to be run during an animation. More...

Inherits Animation

This element was introduced in Qt 4.7.


Detailed Description

ScriptAction can be used to run a script at a specific point in an animation.

 SequentialAnimation {
     NumberAnimation {
         // ...
     ScriptAction { script: doSomething(); }
     NumberAnimation {
         // ...

When used as part of a Transition, you can also target a specific StateChangeScript to run using the scriptName property.

 State {
     name: "state1"
     StateChangeScript {
         name: "myScript"
         script: doStateStuff();
     // ...
 // ...
 Transition {
     to: "state1"
     SequentialAnimation {
         NumberAnimation { /* ... */ }
         ScriptAction { scriptName: "myScript" }
         NumberAnimation { /* ... */ }

See also StateChangeScript.

Property Documentation

script : script

This property holds the script to run.

scriptName : string

This property holds the the name of the StateChangeScript to run.

This property is only valid when ScriptAction is used as part of a transition. If both script and scriptName are set, scriptName will be used.

Note: When using scriptName in a reversible transition, the script will only be run when the transition is being run forwards.