Qt 3 Support Members for QMessageBox

The following class members are part of the Qt 3 support layer. They are provided to help you port old code to Qt 4. We advise against using them in new code.

Public Functions

QMessageBox ( const QString & title, const QString & text, Icon icon, int button0, int button1, int button2, QWidget * parent, const char * name, bool modal, Qt::WindowFlags f = Qt::Dialog | Qt::MSWindowsFixedSizeDialogHint )
QMessageBox ( QWidget * parent, const char * name )
  • 60 public functions inherited from QWidget
  • 8 public functions inherited from QObject
  • 8 public functions inherited from QPaintDevice

Static Public Members

int message ( const QString & title, const QString & text, const QString & buttonText = QString(), QWidget * parent = 0, const char * name = 0 )
bool query ( const QString & caption, const QString & text, const QString & yesButtonText = QString(), const QString & noButtonText = QString(), QWidget * parent = 0, const char * name = 0 )
QPixmap standardIcon ( Icon icon, Qt::GUIStyle style )
  • 1 static public member inherited from QWidget
  • 13 static public members inherited from QPaintDevice

Member Function Documentation

QMessageBox::QMessageBox ( const QString & title, const QString & text, Icon icon, int button0, int button1, int button2, QWidget * parent, const char * name, bool modal, Qt::WindowFlags f = Qt::Dialog | Qt::MSWindowsFixedSizeDialogHint )

Constructs a message box with the given parent, name, and window flags, f. The window title is specified by title, and the message box displays message text and an icon specified by text and icon.

The buttons that the user can access to respond to the message are defined by button0, button1, and button2.

QMessageBox::QMessageBox ( QWidget * parent, const char * name )

Constructs a message box with the given parent and name.

int QMessageBox::message ( const QString & title, const QString & text, const QString & buttonText = QString(), QWidget * parent = 0, const char * name = 0 ) [static]

Opens a modal message box with the given title and showing the given text. The message box has a single button which has the given buttonText (or tr("OK")). The message box is centred over its parent and is called name.

Use information(), warning(), question(), or critical() instead.

For example, if you have code like

 QMessageBox::message(tr("My App"), tr("All occurrences replaced."),
                      tr("Close"), this);

you can rewrite it as

 QMessageBox::information(this, tr("My App"),
                          tr("All occurrences replaced."),

bool QMessageBox::query ( const QString & caption, const QString & text, const QString & yesButtonText = QString(), const QString & noButtonText = QString(), QWidget * parent = 0, const char * name = 0 ) [static]

Queries the user using a modal message box with up to two buttons. The message box has the given caption (although some window managers don't show it), and shows the given text. The left button has the yesButtonText (or tr("OK")), and the right button has the noButtonText (or isn't shown). The message box is centred over its parent and is called name.

Use information(), question(), warning(), or critical() instead.

QPixmap QMessageBox::standardIcon ( Icon icon, Qt::GUIStyle style ) [static]

Returns the pixmap used for a standard icon. This allows the pixmaps to be used in more complex message boxes. icon specifies the required icon, e.g. QMessageBox::Information, QMessageBox::Warning or QMessageBox::Critical.

style is unused.