Qt 3 Support Members for QPrinter

The following class members are part of the Qt 3 support layer. They are provided to help you port old code to Qt 4. We advise against using them in new code.

Public Types

enum PrinterOption { PrintToFile, PrintSelection, PrintPageRange }

Public Functions

bool aborted ()
bool collateCopiesEnabled () const
bool isOptionEnabled ( PrinterOption option ) const
void margins ( uint * top, uint * left, uint * bottom, uint * right ) const
QSize margins () const
int maxPage () const
int minPage () const
bool outputToFile () const
bool pageSetup ( QWidget * parent = 0 )
bool printSetup ( QWidget * parent = 0 )
void setCollateCopiesEnabled ( bool enable )
void setMinMax ( int minPage, int maxPage )
void setOptionEnabled ( PrinterOption option, bool enable )
void setOutputToFile ( bool enable )
bool setup ( QWidget * parent = 0 )

Member Type Documentation

enum QPrinter::PrinterOption

Use QAbstractPrintDialog::PrintDialogOption instead.

Constant Value
QPrinter::PrintToFile 0
QPrinter::PrintSelection 1
QPrinter::PrintPageRange 2

Member Function Documentation

bool QPrinter::aborted ()

Use printerState() == QPrinter::Aborted instead.

bool QPrinter::collateCopiesEnabled () const

Returns true if the printer is set up to collate copies of printed documents; otherwise returns false.

Use QPrintDialog::isOptionEnabled(QPrintDialog::PrintCollateCopies) instead.

See also setCollateCopiesEnabled() and collateCopies().

bool QPrinter::isOptionEnabled ( PrinterOption option ) const

Use QPrintDialog instead.

void QPrinter::margins ( uint * top, uint * left, uint * bottom, uint * right ) const

Sets *top, *left, *bottom, *right to be the top, left, bottom, and right margins.

This function has been superseded by paperRect() and pageRect(). Use paperRect().top() - pageRect().top() for the top margin, paperRect().left() - pageRect().left() for the left margin, paperRect().bottom() - pageRect().bottom() for the bottom margin, and papaerRect().right() - pageRect().right() for the right margin.

For example, if you have code like

 uint rightMargin;
 uint bottomMargin;
 printer->margins(0, 0, &bottomMargin, &rightMargin);

you can rewrite it as

 int rightMargin = printer->paperRect().right() - printer->pageRect().right();
 int bottomMargin = printer->paperRect().bottom() - printer->pageRect().bottom();

QSize QPrinter::margins () const

This is an overloaded function.

Returns a QSize containing the left margin and the top margin.

This function has been superseded by paperRect() and pageRect(). Use paperRect().left() - pageRect().left() for the left margin, and paperRect().top() - pageRect().top() for the top margin.

For example, if you have code like

 QSize margins = printer->margins();
 int leftMargin = margins.width();
 int topMargin = margins.height();

you can rewrite it as

 int leftMargin = printer->paperRect().left() - printer->pageRect().left();
 int topMargin = printer->paperRect().top() - printer->pageRect().top();

int QPrinter::maxPage () const

Use QPrintDialog::maxPage() instead.

int QPrinter::minPage () const

Use QPrintDialog::minPage() instead.

bool QPrinter::outputToFile () const

Returns true if the output should be written to a file, or false if the output should be sent directly to the printer. The default setting is false.

See also setOutputToFile() and setOutputFileName().

bool QPrinter::pageSetup ( QWidget * parent = 0 )

Executes a page setup dialog so that the user can configure the type of page used for printing. Returns true if the contents of the dialog are accepted; returns false if the dialog is canceled.

bool QPrinter::printSetup ( QWidget * parent = 0 )

Executes a print setup dialog so that the user can configure the printing process. Returns true if the contents of the dialog are accepted; returns false if the dialog is canceled.

void QPrinter::setCollateCopiesEnabled ( bool enable )

Use QPrintDialog::setOption(QPrintDialog::PrintCollateCopies) or QPrintDialog::setOptions(QPrintDialog::options() & ~QPrintDialog::PrintCollateCopies) instead, depending on enable.

See also collateCopiesEnabled().

void QPrinter::setMinMax ( int minPage, int maxPage )

Use QPrintDialog::setMinMax() instead.

void QPrinter::setOptionEnabled ( PrinterOption option, bool enable )

Use QPrintDialog instead.

See also isOptionEnabled().

void QPrinter::setOutputToFile ( bool enable )

Specifies whether the output should be written to a file or sent directly to the printer.

Will output to a file if enable is true, or will output directly to the printer if enable is false.

See also outputToFile() and setOutputFileName().

bool QPrinter::setup ( QWidget * parent = 0 )

Use QPrintDialog instead.

For example, if you have code like

 if (printer->setup(parent))

you can rewrite it as

 QPrintDialog dialog(printer, parent);
 if (dialog.exec())