Qt 3 Support Members for QSplitter

The following class members are part of the Qt 3 support layer. They are provided to help you port old code to Qt 4. We advise against using them in new code.

Public Types

enum ResizeMode { Auto, Stretch, KeepSize, FollowSizeHint }

Public Functions

QSplitter ( QWidget * parent, const char * name )
QSplitter ( Qt::Orientation orientation, QWidget * parent, const char * name )
int margin () const
void moveToFirst ( QWidget * widget )
void moveToLast ( QWidget * widget )
void setCollapsible ( QWidget * widget, bool collapsible )
void setMargin ( int margin )
void setResizeMode ( QWidget * widget, ResizeMode mode )
  • 60 public functions inherited from QWidget
  • 8 public functions inherited from QObject
  • 8 public functions inherited from QPaintDevice

Member Type Documentation

enum QSplitter::ResizeMode

This enum describes the different resizing behaviors child widgets can have:

Constant Value Description
QSplitter::Auto 3 The widget will be resized according to the stretch factors set in its sizePolicy().
QSplitter::Stretch 0 The widget will be resized when the splitter itself is resized.
QSplitter::KeepSize 1 QSplitter will try to keep the widget's size unchanged.
QSplitter::FollowSizeHint 2 QSplitter will resize the widget when the widget's size hint changes.

Use setStretchFactor() instead.

Member Function Documentation

QSplitter::QSplitter ( QWidget * parent, const char * name )

Use one of the constructors that doesn't take the name argument and then use setObjectName() instead.

QSplitter::QSplitter ( Qt::Orientation orientation, QWidget * parent, const char * name )

Use one of the constructors that don't take the name argument and then use setObjectName() instead.

int QSplitter::margin () const

Returns the width of the margin around the contents of the widget.

Use QWidget::getContentsMargins() instead.

See also setMargin() and QWidget::getContentsMargins().

void QSplitter::moveToFirst ( QWidget * widget )

Use insertWidget(0, widget) instead.

void QSplitter::moveToLast ( QWidget * widget )

Use addWidget(widget) instead.

void QSplitter::setCollapsible ( QWidget * widget, bool collapsible )

Use setCollapsible(indexOf(widget, collapsible)) instead.

void QSplitter::setMargin ( int margin )

Sets the width of the margin around the contents of the widget to margin.

Use QWidget::setContentsMargins() instead.

See also margin() and QWidget::setContentsMargins().

void QSplitter::setResizeMode ( QWidget * widget, ResizeMode mode )

Use setStretchFactor() instead.

For example, if you have code like

 splitter->setResizeMode(firstChild, QSplitter::KeepSize);
 splitter->setResizeMode(secondChild, QSplitter::Stretch);

you can rewrite it as

 splitter->setStretchFactor(splitter->indexOf(firstChild), 0);
 splitter->setStretchFactor(splitter->indexOf(secondChild), 1);