QContactDetailDefinition Class Reference

 #include <QContactDetailDefinition>

This class was introduced in Qt Mobility 1.0.

Public Functions

QContactDetailDefinition ()
QContactDetailDefinition ( const QContactDetailDefinition & other )
~QContactDetailDefinition ()
QMap<QString, QContactDetailFieldDefinition> fields () const
void insertField ( const QString & key, const QContactDetailFieldDefinition & field )
bool isEmpty () const
bool isUnique () const
QString name () const
void removeField ( const QString & key )
void setFields ( const QMap<QString, QContactDetailFieldDefinition> & fields )
void setName ( const QString & definitionName )
void setUnique ( bool unique )
bool operator!= ( const QContactDetailDefinition & other ) const
QContactDetailDefinition & operator= ( const QContactDetailDefinition & other )
bool operator== ( const QContactDetailDefinition & other ) const

Detailed Description

The QContactDetailDefinition class provides the specification for a detail that can be included in any particular QContact. The definition does not include any data, but defines the semantics of the representation and use of data details that are stored in a QContact.

Member Function Documentation

QContactDetailDefinition::QContactDetailDefinition ()

Construct a new, invalid QContactDetailDefinition

QContactDetailDefinition::QContactDetailDefinition ( const QContactDetailDefinition & other )

Constructs a new QContactDetailDefinition from other

This function was introduced in Qt Mobility 1.0.

QContactDetailDefinition::~QContactDetailDefinition ()

Frees the memory used by this QContactDetailDefinition

QMap<QString, QContactDetailFieldDefinition> QContactDetailDefinition::fields () const

Returns the map of keys to fields which are present in details of this definition

This function was introduced in Qt Mobility 1.0.

See also setFields().

void QContactDetailDefinition::insertField ( const QString & key, const QContactDetailFieldDefinition & field )

Inserts the field field into the map of fields which constitute the data of details of this definition for the given field key key. If another field for that key already exists in the definition, it will be overwritten.

This function was introduced in Qt Mobility 1.0.

bool QContactDetailDefinition::isEmpty () const

Returns true if the id and fields of this definition are empty

This function was introduced in Qt Mobility 1.0.

bool QContactDetailDefinition::isUnique () const

Returns the per-contact uniqueness of this definition

This function was introduced in Qt Mobility 1.0.

QString QContactDetailDefinition::name () const

Returns the identifier of this detail definition

This function was introduced in Qt Mobility 1.0.

See also setName().

void QContactDetailDefinition::removeField ( const QString & key )

Removes the field associated with the given field key key from the map of fields which constitute the data of details of this definition.

This function was introduced in Qt Mobility 1.0.

void QContactDetailDefinition::setFields ( const QMap<QString, QContactDetailFieldDefinition> & fields )

Sets the fields which constitute the data of details of this this definition to fields

This function was introduced in Qt Mobility 1.0.

See also fields().

void QContactDetailDefinition::setName ( const QString & definitionName )

Sets the unique identifier of this detail type to definitionName.

This function was introduced in Qt Mobility 1.0.

See also name().

void QContactDetailDefinition::setUnique ( bool unique )

Sets whether a contact can have more than one detail of this type. If unique is true, only one detail of this type can be added. Otherwise, any number can be added.

This function was introduced in Qt Mobility 1.0.

See also isUnique().

bool QContactDetailDefinition::operator!= ( const QContactDetailDefinition & other ) const

Returns true if this detail definition has different allowable field types or uniqueness to the other definition

This function was introduced in Qt Mobility 1.0.

QContactDetailDefinition & QContactDetailDefinition::operator= ( const QContactDetailDefinition & other )

Assigns this QContactDetailDefinition to other

This function was introduced in Qt Mobility 1.0.

bool QContactDetailDefinition::operator== ( const QContactDetailDefinition & other ) const

Returns true if the definition has the same type, uniqueness and allowable value datatypes as other

This function was introduced in Qt Mobility 1.0.