QContactThumbnail Class Reference

The QContactThumbnail class contains a thumbnail used in display lists to represent the contact. More...

 #include <QContactThumbnail>

Inherits: QContactDetail.

This class was introduced in Qt Mobility 1.0.

Public Functions

void setThumbnail ( const QImage & thumbnail )
QImage thumbnail () const

Static Public Members

const QLatin1Constant DefinitionName
const QLatin1Constant FieldThumbnail

Detailed Description

The QContactThumbnail class contains a thumbnail used in display lists to represent the contact.

Users can specify a thumbnail image for a contact via this detail. Support for this detail is backend specific; some managers will save the image as given, no matter how big it is, while other managers will scale the image prior to save in order to reduce memory overhead. Some managers will automatically synthesize a thumbnail detail for each contact if an avatar image url is specified but no thumbnail detail is specified.

The content of the thumbnail detail is static once set. That is, in order to change the thumbnail of a particular contact, the user must modify the detail and update the contact. This is in contrast to the QContactAvatar detail, which contains URLs to resources; the actual content of the resource might be changed dynamically by person, group or organization for which the QContact is a digital representation. That is, the content of a QContactThumbnail detail is set by the user who has created the contact, but the content of a resource identified by a URL specified in a QContactAvatar detail is set by whoever owns the resource which the URL identifies.

This leaf-class has been part of the default schema since version 1.0 of the Qt Mobility project.

See also QContactAvatar.

Member Function Documentation

void QContactThumbnail::setThumbnail ( const QImage & thumbnail )

Sets the thumbnail image of the contact to be thumbnail

This function was introduced in Qt Mobility 1.0.

See also thumbnail().

QImage QContactThumbnail::thumbnail () const

Returns the thumbnail image of the contact

This function was introduced in Qt Mobility 1.0.

See also setThumbnail().

Member Variable Documentation

const QLatin1Constant QContactThumbnail::DefinitionName

The string constant for the definition name of QContactThumbnail details.

const QLatin1Constant QContactThumbnail::FieldThumbnail

The field key constant for the value containing the thumbnail image.

See also thumbnail() and setThumbnail().