QServiceFilter Class Reference

The QServiceFilter class defines criteria for defining a sub-set of all available services. More...

 #include <QServiceFilter>

This class was introduced in Qt Mobility 1.0.

Public Types

enum CapabilityMatchRule { MatchMinimum, MatchLoadable }
enum VersionMatchRule { ExactVersionMatch, MinimumVersionMatch }

Public Functions

QServiceFilter ()
QServiceFilter ( const QServiceFilter & other )
QServiceFilter ( const QString & interfaceName, const QString & version = QString(), QServiceFilter::VersionMatchRule rule = QServiceFilter::MinimumVersionMatch )
~QServiceFilter ()
QStringList capabilities () const
CapabilityMatchRule capabilityMatchRule () const
void clearCustomAttribute ( const QString & key = QString() )
QString customAttribute ( const QString & key ) const
QStringList customAttributes () const
QString interfaceName () const
int majorVersion () const
int minorVersion () const
QString serviceName () const
void setCapabilities ( QServiceFilter::CapabilityMatchRule rule, const QStringList & capabilities = QStringList() )
void setCustomAttribute ( const QString & key, const QString & value )
void setInterface ( const QString & interfaceName, const QString & version = QString(), QServiceFilter::VersionMatchRule rule = QServiceFilter::MinimumVersionMatch )
void setServiceName ( const QString & serviceName )
VersionMatchRule versionMatchRule () const
QServiceFilter & operator= ( const QServiceFilter & other )

Related Non-Members

QDataStream & operator<< ( QDataStream & out, const QServiceFilter & sf )
QDataStream & operator>> ( QDataStream & in, QServiceFilter & sf )

Detailed Description

The QServiceFilter class defines criteria for defining a sub-set of all available services.

A QServiceFilter can be used to constrain the number of services when searching for services. Only those services that match all filter criteria are returned by QServiceManager::findInterfaces().

See also QServiceInterfaceDescriptor and QServiceManager.

Member Type Documentation

enum QServiceFilter::CapabilityMatchRule

This enum describes the capability/permission matching rules. Some platforms restrict what services clients can access using "capabilities" or permissions. Services with more capabilities require more privileged clients. Platforms without capabilities may ignore this type of matching rule as the default behavior is to ignore any capability restrictions.

This is a brief example. Assuming that the system knows the services S1 - S6 which require capabilities as stated below:

Service Required capabilities
S1 {}
S2 {A}
S3 {A,B}
S4 {A,B,C,D}
S5 {A,D}
S6 {F}

The matching rules would apply as follows:

Matching rule Filter's capabilities Matching services
MatchLoadable {} S1
MatchLoadable {A} S1, S2
MatchLoadable {A,B,C} S1, S2, S3
MatchMinimum {} S1, S2, S3, S4, S5, S6
MatchMinimum {A} S2, S3, S4, S5
MatchMinimum {A,B,C} S4
Constant Value Description
QServiceFilter::MatchMinimum 0 The filter matches any service that requires at least the given filter capabilities. This may mean that the returned services may require more capabilities than the specified ones. Such a search is equivalent to a wildcard match if the passed filter's capability list is empty. In mathematical set notation this rule is equivalent to Cap(Filter) \ Cap(Service) = {}. This is the default matching rule.
QServiceFilter::MatchLoadable 1 The filter matches any service that could be loaded by the client. Using this matching rule guarantees that the returned services do not require more capabilites than specified by this rule. It includes services with no capability requirements. If this rule is provided alongside an empty capability search list the returned services do not require any capabilities and thus can be accessed by any client. The equivalent set notation is Cap(Service) \ Cap(Filter) = {}.

enum QServiceFilter::VersionMatchRule

This enum describes how interface version matching is performed.

Constant Value Description
QServiceFilter::ExactVersionMatch 0 The filter matches any interface implementation that implements the exact version provided.
QServiceFilter::MinimumVersionMatch 1 The filter matches any interface implementation that implements either the given major/minor version or any subsequent version.

Member Function Documentation

QServiceFilter::QServiceFilter ()

Creates a new filter object that matches all service implementations.

QServiceFilter::QServiceFilter ( const QServiceFilter & other )

Creates a copy of QServiceFilter object contained in other.

QServiceFilter::QServiceFilter ( const QString & interfaceName, const QString & version = QString(), QServiceFilter::VersionMatchRule rule = QServiceFilter::MinimumVersionMatch )

Creates a new filter object that matches all service implementations implementing interfaceName that match the specified version using the given rule.

This function was introduced in Qt Mobility 1.0.

QServiceFilter::~QServiceFilter ()

Destroys this instance of QServiceFilter.

QStringList QServiceFilter::capabilities () const

Returns the list of capabilities which are used to limit services searches.

The filter matches any services that requires the given or less capabilities and thus enabling clients to query for services for which they have the required capabilties.

This function was introduced in Qt Mobility 1.0.

See also setCapabilities(), capabilityMatchRule(), and QAbstractSecuritySession.

CapabilityMatchRule QServiceFilter::capabilityMatchRule () const

Returns the capability matching rule for this filter.

This function was introduced in Qt Mobility 1.0.

See also setCapabilities() and capabilities().

void QServiceFilter::clearCustomAttribute ( const QString & key = QString() )

Clears the custom attribute key from the filter's set of constraints. If key is empty all custom attributes are cleared.

This function was introduced in Qt Mobility 1.0.

See also setCustomAttribute().

QString QServiceFilter::customAttribute ( const QString & key ) const

Returns the value for the custom attribute key; otherwise returns a null string.

This function was introduced in Qt Mobility 1.0.

See also setCustomAttribute() and clearCustomAttribute().

QStringList QServiceFilter::customAttributes () const

Returns the list of custom keys which have been added to the filter.

This function was introduced in Qt Mobility 1.0.

QString QServiceFilter::interfaceName () const

Returns the interface name for this filter.

This function was introduced in Qt Mobility 1.0.

See also setInterface().

int QServiceFilter::majorVersion () const

Returns the major interface version for this filter.

This function was introduced in Qt Mobility 1.0.

See also setInterface().

int QServiceFilter::minorVersion () const

Returns the minor interface version for this filter.

This function was introduced in Qt Mobility 1.0.

See also setInterface().

QString QServiceFilter::serviceName () const

Returns the service name for this filter.

This function was introduced in Qt Mobility 1.0.

See also setServiceName().

void QServiceFilter::setCapabilities ( QServiceFilter::CapabilityMatchRule rule, const QStringList & capabilities = QStringList() )

Sets the list of capabilities which are used to constrain searches for services. The capabilities are matched according to the given rule.

This function was introduced in Qt Mobility 1.0.

See also capabilities() and QAbstractSecuritySession.

void QServiceFilter::setCustomAttribute ( const QString & key, const QString & value )

The filter only matches implementations which have the custom attribute key with the given value. Such constraints are specified via the <customproperty> tag within the service xml.

This function was introduced in Qt Mobility 1.0.

See also customAttribute() and clearCustomAttribute().

void QServiceFilter::setInterface ( const QString & interfaceName, const QString & version = QString(), QServiceFilter::VersionMatchRule rule = QServiceFilter::MinimumVersionMatch )

Sets the filter to match any interface implementation that implements interfaceName with version version. The version is matched according to the given rule. If version is not set, the filter matches any version of the interface implementation.

This method does nothing if version is not a valid version string or if interfaceName is empty.

A valid version string has the format x.y whereby x and y are positive integer numbers.

This function was introduced in Qt Mobility 1.0.

void QServiceFilter::setServiceName ( const QString & serviceName )

The filter only matches implementations which are provided by the service specified by serviceName.

If the serviceName is empty the filter matches any service.

This function was introduced in Qt Mobility 1.0.

See also serviceName().

VersionMatchRule QServiceFilter::versionMatchRule () const

Returns the version match rule for this filter.

This function was introduced in Qt Mobility 1.0.

See also setInterface().

QServiceFilter & QServiceFilter::operator= ( const QServiceFilter & other )

Copies the content of the QServiceFilter object contained in other into this one.

This function was introduced in Qt Mobility 1.0.

Related Non-Members

QDataStream & operator<< ( QDataStream & out, const QServiceFilter & sf )

Writes service filter sf to the stream out and returns a reference to the stream.

This function was introduced in Qt Mobility 1.0.

QDataStream & operator>> ( QDataStream & in, QServiceFilter & sf )

Reads a service filter into sf from the stream in and returns a reference to the stream.

This function was introduced in Qt Mobility 1.0.