Personal Information Management

Personal Information Management topics contain APIs related to managing personal information such as contacts, calendar entries, and business cards.

The following table describes the Personal Information Management APIs:

Personal Information Management services APIs
API name Description Belongs to
  • Allows setting and managing account information

Example use: Enable your application to restrict access to certain information based on the account information.

  • Enables providing and accessing contact data from local or remote backends.

Example use: Create a software translation layer for an application's contact data storage so that it can be accessed and manipulated by client applications using Contacts API, or enable your application to access and manipulate data stored and provided in this manner by another application.

Qt Mobility
  • Allows clients to navigate and query documents based on their metadata such as file name or item type. It includes request, filter, and gallery classes.

Example use: You can create an application in which the users can list items to be sold at an auction site.

Qt Mobility
  • Provides access to calendar, schedule and personal data. It can be used as a front-end API for an online calendar or another calendar system.

Example use: You can create a calendar in which users can track their progress when training for a sports event.

Qt Mobility
  • Manages Versit documents, such as vcards

Example use: You can enable your application to read and write data in Versit document format, which is a standard electronic format for exchanging information, such as business cards or calendar and scheduling information.

Qt Mobility
  • Allows user authentication by single sign-on.

Example use: Enable the user of an application to gain access to all the available resources after logging into the system only once.


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