
The System topics contain APIs related to controlling the hardware sensors and device related functions.

The following table describes the System APIs:

System topics APIs
API name Description Belongs to
  • Contains a set of common system and library calls for UNIX-compliant systems.
  • Defined in ISO C and POSIX standards.
  • Regarded as part of the unified UNIX standard.
  • Provides an API for managing configuration settings for applications.
  • Provides public interfaces to different system functionalities and hardware through Qt API. For example, energy management, system state management, sensors, device mode, accessories, display back light control, and time management functionalities can be indirectly interacted with using QmSystem.

Example use: Use to temporarily deactivate display dimming when your application must remain visible for a period longer than the standard timeout.

  • Contains core non-GUI functionality.
  • Allows clients to query information from RDF databases.
  • The API provides backends for:
    • Tracker search engine
    • online databases such as DBpedia
    • Virtuoso Universal Server

Example use: To enable your application to get content such as images, video and e-mail from storage.

  • Enables you to create applications that support device vibration and tactile feedback.

Example use: Enable your application to produce a vibration response when the user clicks the correct button in a game.

Qt Mobility
  • Enables applications to read item values, navigate through and subscribe to change notifications.
  • These values and notifications are stored in a Value Space, which is a central information repository provided by this API.

Example use: Enable your games to publish their high score lists to Value Space, from where a social application can fetch them for publication to your contacts.

Qt Mobility
  • Allows scripting for Qt applications.

Example use: Create a scriptable Qt application.

  • Additional Qt Script components
  • Provides access to sensors such as accelerometer, magnetometer, and rotation sensor.

Example use: Enable your application to react to changes in data provided by sensors.

Qt Mobility
  • Allows clients to discover and instantiate arbitrary services, services being independent components that allow clients to perform well-defined operations.
  • Used to unify and access multiple platform specific service implementations through the same Qt-based client application.
Qt Mobility
  • Classes for database integration with SQL
  • Provides access to system-related information and capabilities.

Example use: To enable your application to determine whether the resources and capabilities it needs are present and active in the system.

Qt Mobility
  • Tool classes for unit testing

Example use: Build your application against the QtTest library to enable testing of various application features using QtTestLib

  • Provides a stream reader and writer for XML documents, and C++ implementations of SAX and DOM.
  • Provides support for XPath, XQuery, XSLT and XML Schema validation.
Resource Policy
  • Provides means to request resources from the MeeGo Policy Resource Manager.

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