QML LandmarkModel Element

The LandmarkModel element provides access to landmarks. More...

Inherits LandmarkAbstractModel

This element was introduced in Mobility 1.2.



Detailed Description

This element is part of the QtMobility.location 1.1 module.

LandmarkModel provides a model of landmarks from the landmarks store. The contents of the model can be specified with a filter, and sorted with the LandmarkAbstractModel::sortBy and LandmarkAbstractModel::sortOrder properties. Whether the model is automatically updated when the store or filter changes, can be controlled with LandmarkAbstractModel::autoUpdate property.

There are two ways of accessing the landmark data: through model by using views and delegates, or alternatively via landmarks list property. Of the two, the model access is preferred. Direct list access (i.e. non-model) is not guaranteed to be in order set by sortBy and sortOrder.

At the moment only data role provided by the model is landmark (Landmark). Through that one can access any data provided by the Landmark element.

The following example illustrates fetching of all landmarks in ascending name order. Example illustrates both model access as well as direct list access.

 Rectangle {
     width: 350
     height: 350

     // The model
     LandmarkModel {
         id: myLandmarkModel
         sortBy: LandmarkModel.NameSort;
         sortOrder: LandmarkModel.AscendingOrder
         limit: 15
         onLandmarksChanged: {
             // Direct list access
             for (var index = 0; index < landmarks.length; index++)  {
                 console.log("Index, name:" + index + " , " + landmarks[index].name);
     // The view
     ListView {
         id: myLandmarkListView
         model: landmarkModel
         delegate: myLandmarkListDelegate
         width: parent.width; height: parent.height
         highlightFollowsCurrentItem: false
         focus: true
         anchors.fill: parent
         keyNavigationWraps: true
     // The delegate
     Component {
         id: myLandmarkListDelegate
         Item {
             width: 200; height: 20
             Text {id: nameField; text: landmark.name }
             Text { id: phoneField; text: "  tel:"  + landmark.phoneNumber; anchors.left: nameField.right;}

See also LandmarkAbstractModel, LandmarkCategoryModel, and QLandmarkManager.

Property Documentation

filter : LandmarkFilterBase

The filter for filtering landmarks.

 LandmarkNameFilter {
     id: coralFilter
     name: "Flinders Reef"

 LandmarkModel {
     id: landmarkModel
     filter: coralFilter
     // Alternatively filter could be declared directly, e.g:
     filter: LandmarkIntersectionFilter {
         LandmarkNameFilter {
         LandmarkUnionFilter {
             LandmarkIntersectionFilter {
                 LandmarkNameFilter {
                 LandmarkProximityFilter {
     limit: 100

This property group was introduced in Mobility 1.2.

See also LandmarkUnionFilter, LandmarkIntersectionFilter, LandmarkNameFilter, LandmarkProximityFilter, LandmarkBoxFilter, and LandmarkCategoryFilter.

importFile : string

Landmarks and their related categories can be imported by setting the import file. If LandmarkAbstractModel::autoUpdate is true, the import will be done automatically and as a result model updates. Alternatively importLandmarks() can be invoked.

For supported file formats, refer to QLandmarkManager and QLandmarkImportRequest.

 LandmarkModel {
     id: landmarkModelForImport
     importFile: "mylandmarkfile.gpx"

This property group was introduced in Mobility 1.2.

read-onlylandmarks : QDeclarativeListProperty

This element holds the list of Landmark elements that the model currently has. Accessing landmarks by iterating over this list is not guaranteed to be in the order set by LandmarkAbstractModel::sortBy or LandmarkAbstractModel::sortOrder

 LandmarkModel {
     id: landmarkModelForIteration
     onLandmarksChanged: {
         console.log("log: Landmark count is: "+ count);
         for (var index = 0; index < landmarks.length; index++)  {
             console.log("Index, name:" + index + " , " + landmarks[index].name);

This property group was introduced in Mobility 1.2.

Method Documentation

LandmarkModel::importLandmarks ()

Imports landmarks (and categories) in importFile.

This documentation was introduced in Mobility 1.2.