QML Anniversary Element

The Anniversary element contains an anniversary of a contact. More...

This element was introduced in Mobility 1.1.


Detailed Description

Anniversary element contains the following field types:

  • Anniversary.CalendarId
  • Anniversary.OriginalDate
  • Anniversary.Event
  • Anniversary.SubType

This element is part of the QtMobility.contacts 1.1 module.

Property Documentation

calendarId : string

This property holds the id of the calendar event.

This property group was introduced in Mobility 1.1.

event : string

This property holds the name of the event value.

This property group was introduced in Mobility 1.1.

originalDate : date

This property holds the original anniversary date value. This property is either a date, or a date and time.

This property group was introduced in Mobility 1.1.

subType : enumeration

This property holds the sub type of an Anniversary.

  • Unknown - Unknown sub type (default).
  • Wedding - A wedding anniversary.
  • Engagement - An engagement anniversary.
  • House - A new residence anniversary.
  • Employment - A start of employment anniversary.
  • Memorial - An event of sentimental significance.

This property group was introduced in Mobility 1.1.