
Communications topics consist of APIs related to social and human interaction, connectivity, and networking.

The following table describes the Communications APIs:

Communications services APIs
API name Description Belongs to
In-App Analytics API
  • Provides a configurable data tracking and delivery mechanism to allow application developers to monitor how their applications are used
NDEF Message Push
  • Provides a Qt-based API to push NFC (Near Field Communication) messages to other devices.
Notification Engine
  • Allows applications on the device to register and receive notifications from the Notification Service
  • Enables inter-Process Communication using the D-Bus

Example use: Your application polls a website for new content availability and offers the information gathered to other applications through D-Bus. Your application can also query information offered by other applications in the same way.

  • Enables access to messaging services
  • Can search, sort, send, and retrieve messages.
  • Can start the preferred messaging client to display a message, compose a new message, or to reply to an existing message
  • Supports SMS, MMS, MIME Email and TNEF Email messages

Example use: You can send photographs directly from your photograph gallery application through e-mail to a friend.

Qt Mobility
  • Classes for network programming
  • Opening, maintaining and closing of network sessions using various protocols
  • Servers for accepting connections

Example use: To add a support for network based features to your application, such as connecting to a local WLAN network and fetching data to be used in your application.

Qt WebKit 2.1
  • Provides a Web browser engine that makes it easy to embed content from the World Wide Web into your Qt application.
  • At the same time Web content can be enhanced with native controls.

Example use: To enable your application to embed data from the web, such as the ongoing week's lottery numbers, or recent messages from a social application.

  • Telepathy-Qt4 is a Qt4 high-level binding for Telepathy, which is a D-Bus framework for unifying real time communication.

Example use: To allow access to services such as instant messaging, voice calls, and video calls.

Transfer UI
  • Provides way for Qt based applications to request Transfer UI to present transfers of application to user.

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