QML MessageFilter Element

The MessageFilter element specifies a message filter for MessageModel More...

This element was introduced in Mobility 1.1.


Detailed Description

This element is part of the QtMobility.messaging 1.1 module.

Logical combinations of MessageFilters can be formed using MessageIntersectionFilter and MessageUnionFilter.

Setting negated to true will negate the filter.

The following example creates a filter which filters for messages less than 1024 bytes in size from martin or don, excluding replies from martin. The messages will be sorted by descending timestamp.

 model: MessageModel {
     sortBy: MessageModel.Timestamp
     sortOrder: MessageModel.DescendingOrder
     filter: MessageIntersectionFilter {
         MessageFilter {
             type: MessageFilter.Size
             value: 1024
             comparator: MessageFilter.LessThan
         MessageUnionFilter {
             MessageIntersectionFilter {
                 MessageFilter {
                     type: MessageFilter.Sender
                     value: "martin"
                     comparator: MessageFilter.Includes
                 MessageFilter {
                     negated: true
                     type: MessageFilter.Subject
                     value: "re:"
                     comparator: MessageFilter.Includes
             MessageFilter {
                 type: MessageFilter.Sender
                 value: "don"
                 comparator: MessageFilter.Includes

See also MessageUnionFilter and MessageIntersectionFilter.

Property Documentation

comparator : enumeration

Holds the type of comparison to apply.

comparator may be one of the following:

Note that not all comparators make sense for all filter types. For example the relational comparators (LessThan, GreaterThan, etc.) make sense for Size filters, but the inclusion comprators (Includes, Excludes) do not.

This property group was introduced in Mobility 1.1.

negated : bool

Setting negated to true will result in the filter being locially negated.

This property group was introduced in Mobility 1.1.

type : enumeration

Holds the field to filter on.

type may be one of the following:

Filter type value type
MessageFilter.AncestorFolder string
MessageFilter.ParentFolder string
MessageFilter.Priority enumeration
MessageFilter.Recipients string
MessageFilter.Sender string
MessageFilter.Size int
MessageFilter.StandardFolder enumeration
MessageFilter.Status enumeration
MessageFilter.Subject string
MessageFilter.Timestamp Date
MessageFilter.ReceptionTimestamp Date
MessageFilter.Type enumeration

This property group was introduced in Mobility 1.1.

value : Variant

Holds the value to filter on.

This property group was introduced in Mobility 1.1.