QWhatsThisClickedEvent Class Reference

The QWhatsThisClickedEvent class provides an event that can be used to handle hyperlinks in a "What's This?" text. More...

 #include <QWhatsThisClickedEvent>

Inherits: QEvent.

Public Functions

QWhatsThisClickedEvent ( const QString & href )
QString href () const
  • 6 public functions inherited from QEvent

Additional Inherited Members

  • 1 property inherited from QEvent
  • 1 static public member inherited from QEvent

Detailed Description

The QWhatsThisClickedEvent class provides an event that can be used to handle hyperlinks in a "What's This?" text.

See also QWhatsThis, QHelpEvent, and QStatusTipEvent.

Member Function Documentation

QWhatsThisClickedEvent::QWhatsThisClickedEvent ( const QString & href )

Constructs an event containing a URL specified by href when a link is clicked in a "What's This?" message.

See also href().

QString QWhatsThisClickedEvent::href () const

Returns the URL that was clicked by the user in the "What's This?" text.