All Modules

Modules for general software development
QtCore Core non-graphical classes used by other modules
QtGui Graphical user interface (GUI) components
QtMultimedia Classes for low-level multimedia functionality
QtNetwork Classes for network programming
QtOpenGL OpenGL support classes
QtOpenVG OpenVG support classes
QtScript Classes for evaluating Qt Scripts
QtScriptTools Additional Qt Script components
QtSql Classes for database integration using SQL
QtSvg Classes for displaying the contents of SVG files
QtWebKit Classes for displaying and editing Web content
QtXml Classes for handling XML
QtXmlPatterns An XQuery & XPath engine for XML and custom data models
QtDeclarative An engine for declaratively building fluid user interfaces.
Phonon Multimedia framework classes
Qt3Support Qt 3 compatibility classes
Modules for working with Qt's tools
QtDesigner Classes for extending Qt Designer
QtUiTools Classes for handling Qt Designer forms in applications
QtHelp Classes for online help
QtTest Tool classes for unit testing
Modules for Windows developers
QAxContainer Extension for accessing ActiveX controls
QAxServer Extension for writing ActiveX servers
Modules for Unix developers
QtDBus Classes for Inter-Process Communication using the D-Bus

If you use qmake to build your projects, the QtCore and QtGui modules are included by default. To link only against QtCore, add the following line to your .pro file:

 QT -= gui

On Windows, if you do not use qmake or other build tools such as CMake, you also need to link against the qtmain library.

See also Class and Function Documentation.