QS60MainAppUi Class Reference

The QS60MainAppUi class is a helper class for S60 migration. More...

 #include <QS60MainAppUi>

This class was introduced in Qt 4.6.

Public Functions

QS60MainAppUi ()
virtual ~QS60MainAppUi ()
virtual void ConstructL ()
virtual void DynInitMenuBarL ( TInt resourceId, CEikMenuBar * menuBar )
virtual void DynInitMenuPaneL ( TInt resourceId, CEikMenuPane * menuPane )
virtual void HandleCommandL ( TInt command )
virtual void HandleResourceChangeL ( TInt type )
virtual void HandleStatusPaneSizeChange ()
virtual void RestoreMenuL ( CCoeControl * menuWindow, TInt resourceId, TMenuType menuType )

Protected Functions

virtual void HandleWsEventL ( const TWsEvent & wsEvent, CCoeControl * destination )

Detailed Description

The QS60MainAppUi class is a helper class for S60 migration.

Warning: This class is provided only to get access to S60 specific functionality in the application framework classes. It is not portable. We strongly recommend against using it in new applications.

The QS60MainAppUi provides a helper class for use in migrating from existing S60 based applications to Qt based applications. It is used in the exact same way as the CAknAppUi class from Symbian, but internally provides extensions used by Qt.

When modifying old S60 applications that rely on implementing functions in CAknAppUi, the class should be modified to inherit from this class instead of CAknAppUi. Then the application can choose to override only certain functions.

For more information on CAknAppUi, please see the S60 documentation.

Unlike other Qt classes, QS60MainAppUi behaves like an S60 class, and can throw Symbian leaves.

See also QS60MainDocument and QS60MainApplication.

Member Function Documentation

QS60MainAppUi::QS60MainAppUi ()

Contructs an instance of QS60MainAppUi.

QS60MainAppUi::~QS60MainAppUi () [virtual]

Destroys the QS60MainAppUi.

void QS60MainAppUi::ConstructL () [virtual]

Second phase Symbian constructor.

Constructs all the elements of the class that can cause a leave to happen.

If you override this function, you should call the base class implementation as well.

void QS60MainAppUi::DynInitMenuBarL ( TInt resourceId, CEikMenuBar * menuBar ) [virtual]

Dynamically initializes a menu bar.

The resource associated with the menu is given in resourceId, and the actual menu bar is passed in menuBar.

If you override this function, you should call the base class implementation as well.

void QS60MainAppUi::DynInitMenuPaneL ( TInt resourceId, CEikMenuPane * menuPane ) [virtual]

Dynamically initializes a menu pane.

The resource associated with the menu is given in resourceId, and the actual menu pane is passed in menuPane.

If you override this function, you should call the base class implementation as well.

void QS60MainAppUi::HandleCommandL ( TInt command ) [virtual]

Handles commands produced by the S60 framework.

command holds the ID of the command to handle, and is S60 specific.

If you override this function, you should call the base class implementation if you do not handle the command.

void QS60MainAppUi::HandleResourceChangeL ( TInt type ) [virtual]

Handles a resource change in the S60 framework.

Resource changes include layout switches. type holds the type of resource change that occurred.

If you override this function, you should call the base class implementation if you do not handle the resource change.

void QS60MainAppUi::HandleStatusPaneSizeChange () [virtual]

Handles changes to the status pane size.

Called by the framework when the application status pane size is changed.

If you override this function, you should call the base class implementation if you do not handle the size change.

void QS60MainAppUi::HandleWsEventL ( const TWsEvent & wsEvent, CCoeControl * destination ) [virtual protected]

Handles raw window server events.

The event type and information is passed in wsEvent, while the receiving control is passed in destination.

If you override this function, you should call the base class implementation if you do not handle the event.

void QS60MainAppUi::RestoreMenuL ( CCoeControl * menuWindow, TInt resourceId, TMenuType menuType ) [virtual]

Restores a menu window.

The menu window to restore is given in menuWindow. The resource ID and type of menu is given in resourceId and menuType, respectively.

If you override this function, you should call the base class implementation as well.