QML ThemeEffect Element

The ThemeEffect element represents a themed feedback effect. More...

This element was introduced in Mobility 1.1.



Detailed Description

This element is part of the QtMobility.feedback 1.1 module.

This element is used for playing feedback effects that follow the system theme. The actual feedback might be haptic, audio or some other method.

 // My custom button
 MouseArea {
     Image { /* ... Pretty graphics here ... */ }
     onClicked: ThemeEffect {effect: ThemeEffect.BasicButton;}

 ThemeEffect {
     id: myOtherThemeEffect
     effect: "RotateStep"

 MouseArea {
     onClicked: myOtherThemeEffect.play();

Property Documentation

effect : ThemeEffect

This property holds the specific themed effect type to play. It is one of:

  • ThemeEffect.Basic - Generic feedback.
  • ThemeEffect.Sensitive - Generic sensitive feedback.
  • ThemeEffect.BasicButton - Feedback for interacting with a button (e.g. pressing).
  • ThemeEffect.SensitiveButton - Sensitive feedback for interacting with a button (e.g. auto repeat).
  • ThemeEffect.BasicKeypad - Feedback for interacting with a keypad button.
  • ThemeEffect.SensitiveKeypad - Sensitive feedback for interacting with a keypad button.
  • ThemeEffect.BasicSlider - Feedback for moving a slider.
  • ThemeEffect.SensitiveSlider - Sensitive feedback for moving a slider.
  • ThemeEffect.BasicItem - Feedback when interacting with a list or grid item.
  • ThemeEffect.SensitiveItem - Sensitive feedback when interacting with a list or grid item.
  • ThemeEffect.ItemScroll - Feedback when scrolling a list or grid item view.
  • ThemeEffect.ItemPick - Feedback when selecting an item to move in a list or grid view.
  • ThemeEffect.ItemDrop - Feedback when dropping an item in a list or grid view.
  • ThemeEffect.ItemMoveOver - Feedback when moving an item in a list or grid view.
  • ThemeEffect.BounceEffect - Feedback for a bounce effect.
  • ThemeEffect.CheckBox - Feedback for selecting a checkbox.
  • ThemeEffect.MultipleCheckBox - Feedback for selecting checkboxes of multiple items.
  • ThemeEffect.Editor - Feedback for interacting with an editor.
  • ThemeEffect.TextSelection - Feedback for selecting text.
  • ThemeEffect.BlankSelection - Feedback for a blank selection.
  • ThemeEffect.LineSelection - Feedback for selecting a line.
  • ThemeEffect.EmptyLineSelection - Feedback for selecting an empty line.
  • ThemeEffect.PopUp - Generic feedback for interacting with a popup.
  • ThemeEffect.PopupOpen - Generic feedback when a popup opens.
  • ThemeEffect.PopupClose - Generic feedback when a popup closes.
  • ThemeEffect.Flick - Generic feedback when starting a flick gesture.
  • ThemeEffect.StopFlick - Generic feedback when stopping a flick.
  • ThemeEffect.MultiPointTouchActivate - Generic feedback when a touch gesture with more than one point is started.
  • ThemeEffect.RotateStep - Feedback when rotating using a gesture.
  • ThemeEffect.LongPress - Feedback for a long press (or tap and hold) gesture.
  • ThemeEffect.PositiveTacticon - Generic feedback for notification of a successful operation.
  • ThemeEffect.NeutralTacticon - Generic feedback for notification.
  • ThemeEffect.NegativeTacticon - Generic feedback for notification of a failed operation.

This property group was introduced in Mobility 1.1.

See also QFeedbackEffect::ThemeEffect.

supported : bool

This property is true if the system supports themed feedback effects.

This property group was introduced in Mobility 1.1.

Method Documentation

ThemeEffect::play ()

Call this to play the themed effect.

This documentation was introduced in Mobility 1.1.