QML SensorReading Element

The SensorReading element serves as a base type for sensor readings. More...

Inherited by AccelerometerReading, AmbientLightReading, CompassReading, GyroscopeReading, LightReading, MagnetometerReading, OrientationReading, ProximityReading, RotationReading, and TapReading.

SensorReading instantiates the C++ class QSensorReading

This element was introduced in Mobility 1.2.


Detailed Description

The SensorReading element serves as a base type for sensor readings.

This element wraps the QSensorReading class. Please see the documentation for QSensorReading for details.

This element cannot be directly created.

Property Documentation

read-onlytimestamp : quint64

A timestamp for the reading. Please see QSensorReading::timestamp for information about this property.

This property group was introduced in Mobility 1.2.