QML MapObjectView Element

The MapObjectView is used to populate Map from a model. More...

This element was introduced in Mobility 1.2.


Detailed Description

The MapObjectView is used to populate Map with MapObjects from a model. The MapObjectView element only makes sense when contained in a Map object, meaning that it has no standalone presentation.

Note: For model data, currently only LandmarkModel is supported. Using other types of models results in undefined behavior.

Assuming you have a LandmarkModel identified by landmarkModel, an example usage:

 Map {
     id: map
     plugin : Plugin { name : "nokia" }
     anchors.fill: parent; size.width: parent.width; size.height: parent.height; zoomLevel: 12
     center: myPositionSource.position.coordinate

     MapObjectView {
         id: circle_basic_view
         model: landmarkModel
         delegate: Component {
             id: circleMapDelegate
             MapCircle {
                 color: "red"
                 radius: 500
                 center: landmark.coordinate

The MapObjectView element is part of the QtMobility.location 1.2 module.

Property Documentation

delegate : Component

This property holds the delegate which defines how each item in the model should be displayed. The Component must contain exactly one MapObject -derived element as the root element.

This property group was introduced in Mobility 1.2.

model : model

This property holds the model that provides data for populating data with delegates.

Note: Currently only LandmarkModel is supported. Using other models results in undefined behavior.

This property group was introduced in Mobility 1.2.

visible : bool

This property holds whether the delegate objects created from the model are visible or not. Default value is true.

This property group was introduced in Mobility 1.2.

z : int

This property holds the z-value of the MapObjectView. It determines the z-value of the instantiated delegates.

As with other Map objects, objects with same z-value are drawn in insertion order.

This property group was introduced in Mobility 1.2.