QML Service Element

The Service element holds an instance of a service object. More...

This element was introduced in Mobility 1.2.


Detailed Description

The Service element is part of the QtMobility.serviceframework 1.1 module and provides a client instance of the service object. This element is a simplified reflection of the QServiceInterfaceDescriptor class that allows the specification of the Service::interfaceName to locate the default service implemented at this interface.

See also ServiceList.

Property Documentation

interfaceName : QString

This property holds the interface name of the service that corresponds to QServiceInterfaceDescriptor::interfaceName().

This property group was introduced in Mobility 1.2.

read-onlymajorVersion : int

This property holds the major version number of the service that corresponds to QServiceInterfaceDescriptor::majorVersion().

This property group was introduced in Mobility 1.2.

read-onlyminorVersion : int

This property holds the minor version number of the service that corresponds to QServiceInterfaceDescriptor::minorVersion().

This property group was introduced in Mobility 1.2.

read-onlyserviceName : QString

This property holds the service name of the service that corresponds to QServiceInterfaceDescriptor::serviceName().

This property group was introduced in Mobility 1.2.

read-onlyserviceObject : QObject*

This property holds an instance of the service object which can be used to make metaobject calls to the service. This corresponds to QServiceManager::loadInterface().

This property group was introduced in Mobility 1.2.

read-onlyvalid : bool

This property holds whether a default service was found at the interface name and corresponds to QServiceInterfaceDescriptor::isValid().

This property group was introduced in Mobility 1.2.