QML PhoneNumber Element

The PhoneNumber element provides a phone number of a contact. More...

This element was introduced in Mobility 1.1.


Detailed Description

PhoneNumber element contains the following field types:

  • PhoneNumber.Number
  • PhoneNumber.SubTypes

This element is part of the QtMobility.contacts 1.1 module.

Property Documentation

number : string

This property holds the value of the phone number.

This property group was introduced in Mobility 1.1.

subTypes : list<variant>

This property holds the sub types of a PhoneNumber.

  • PhoneNumber.Unknown - indicating this phone number type is unknown(default).
  • PhoneNumber.Landline - indicating this phone number is a landline number.
  • PhoneNumber.Mobile - ndicating this phone number is a mobile (cellular) number.
  • PhoneNumber.Fax - indicating this phone number is a fax number.
  • PhoneNumber.Pager - indicating this phone number is a pager number.
  • PhoneNumber.Voice - indicating this phone number supports voice transmission.
  • PhoneNumber.Modem - indicating this phone number supports data transmission.
  • PhoneNumber.Video - indicating this phone number supports video transmission.
  • PhoneNumber.Car - indicating this phone number is a car phone.
  • PhoneNumber.BulletinBoardSystem - indicating this phone number is a bulletin board system.
  • PhoneNumber.MessagingCapable - indicating this phone number supports messaging services.
  • PhoneNumber.Assistant - indicating this phone number is the number of an assistant.
  • PhoneNumber.DtmfMenu - indicating this phone number supports DTMF-controlled voice menu navigation.

This property group was introduced in Mobility 1.1.