Component List

QML CountBubble Element

CountBubble is a flexible shape that holds a number and can be added in lists or notification banners for example

QML DatePickerDialog Element

DatePickerDialog is a Dialog for selecting a date

QML InfoBanner Element

InfoBanner component is used to display information to the user

QML ListButton Element

ListButton is similar to Button except that ListButton resizes according to the content size

QML ListDelegate Element

ListDelegate is used as the delegate in a list view

QML MoreIndicator Element

MoreIndicator indicates that more content is available for the user

QML PageIndicator Element

PageIndicator indicates the page user is currently viewing

QML RatingIndicator Element

RatingIndicator indicates user specified ratings

QML TimePickerDialog Element

TimePickerDialog is a Dialog to select time

QML Tumbler Element

Tumbler is a one or more column widget where selection is done by sliding

QML TumblerButton Element

TumblerButton is a Button used with Tumbler

QML TumblerColumn Element

TumblerColumn is a Column used with Tumbler

QML TumblerDialog Element

TumblerDialog is a tumbler style Dialog used with Tumbler