Tab the page with anchors.fill
I just learned that there is an even simpler way to scale to background image. Instead of changing the Rectangle dimensions whenever the display is rotated we can simply specify the anchors.fill property in the Rectangle element:
anchors.fill: parent
The parent of the Rectangle is the MainPage element so now the Rectangle will always scale to match the dimensions of the page. No need to track the inPortrait property. Nice. Below is the updated main.qml file.
import QtQuick 1.1 import 1.0 PageStackWindow { property int textSize: 32 initialPage: mainPage TabGroup { currentTab: midPage LeftPage { id: leftPage } MidPage{ id: midPage } RightPage { id: rightPage } } MainPage{ id: mainPage Rectangle { id: wallpaper gradient: Gradient { GradientStop { position: 0.000 color: "gainsboro" } GradientStop { position: 1.000 color: "slategray" } } anchors.fill: parent } } }