Messaging Installation On Windows Mobile

Get QtMobility and Qt packages

Get the QtMobility Package from

Get Qt 4.5.2 (or newer) Embedded for Windows Mobile package download here.

Install pre-requisites

A perl interpreter such as ActivePerl must be installed and available in the environment path.

Visual Studio 2009 or newer must be installed.

Windows Mobile 6 Standard SDK (including ActiveSync) must be installed download page.

Build Qt

Extract Qt 4.5.2 Embedded (or newer) into your Qt directory on windows. e.g. c:\Qt\4.5.2_winmobile6_standard

Open a Visual Studio cmd shell

Set your PATH to include the Qt binaries

 set PATH=c:\Qt\4.5.2_winmobile6_standard\bin;%PATH%

Set the INCLUDE and LIB vars to point to your ActiveSync sources

 set INCLUDE=%INCLUDE%;C:\Program Files\Windows Mobile 6 SDK\Activesync\inc
 set LIB=%LIB%;C:\Program Files\Windows Mobile 6 SDK\Activesync\Lib

Configure Qt

 cd c:\Qt\4.5.2_winmobile6_standard
 configure.exe -debug -platform win32-msvc2008 -xplatform wincewm60standard-msvc2008 -cetest -plugindir \qtplugins

Run setcepaths to setup embedded compiler paths

 setcepaths wincewm60standard-msvc2008

Use devtools/ibmake or nmake to build. If using ibmake, ensure devtools/shell is in your path and that you have ActivePerl installed on your windows machine




Build QtMobility Messaging

Open a new Visual Studio cmd shell

Set the path to Qt

 set PATH=%PATH%;c:\Qt\4.5.2_winmobile6_standard\bin


 set QMAKESPEC=wincewm60standard-msvc2008

Run setcepaths to set embedded compiler paths

 setcepaths wincewm60standard-msvc2008

Run qmake and build

 cd <path-to-mobility-messaging-depot-or-source-package>

Visual Studio is recommended to build the mobility project for windows mobile, although it is not necessary, it makes debugging and deployment easier.

 cd <path-to-mobility-messaging-depot>
 qmake -tp vc QT_CONFIG+=release -recursive

If using git edit your git configuration so it does not consider Visual Studio files

Edit <path-to-mobility-messaging-depot>/.git/info/exclude

Append the following


Open the generated *.sln file and compile.

If you get errors during the Visual Studio build regarding mainACRT, right click on the project, goto linker-advanced and Clear the Entry-Point value.


Before running a debug instance, ensure that the QtMessaging.dll is a deployment dependency for the examples and tests.

Right click properties on project e.g. serviceactions. Under deployment->addition files add:


Replacing "serviceactions" with the relevant project.