QAxScript Class Reference

The QAxScript class provides a wrapper around script code. More...

 #include <QAxScript>

Inherits: QObject.

Public Types

enum FunctionFlags { FunctionNames, FunctionSignatures }

Public Functions

QAxScript ( const QString & name, QAxScriptManager * manager )
~QAxScript ()
QVariant call ( const QString & function, const QVariant & var1 = QVariant(), const QVariant & var2 = QVariant(), const QVariant & var3 = QVariant(), const QVariant & var4 = QVariant(), const QVariant & var5 = QVariant(), const QVariant & var6 = QVariant(), const QVariant & var7 = QVariant(), const QVariant & var8 = QVariant() )
QVariant call ( const QString & function, QList<QVariant> & arguments )
QStringList functions ( FunctionFlags flags = FunctionNames ) const
bool load ( const QString & code, const QString & language = QString() )
QString scriptCode () const
QAxScriptEngine * scriptEngine () const
QString scriptName () const
  • 29 public functions inherited from QObject


void entered ()
void error ( int code, const QString & description, int sourcePosition, const QString & sourceText )
void finished ()
void finished ( const QVariant & result )
void finished ( int code, const QString & source, const QString & description, const QString & help )
void stateChanged ( int state )

Additional Inherited Members

  • 1 property inherited from QObject
  • 1 public slot inherited from QObject
  • 5 static public members inherited from QObject
  • 7 protected functions inherited from QObject

Detailed Description

The QAxScript class provides a wrapper around script code.

Every instance of the QAxScript class represents a piece of scripting code in a particular scripting language. The code is loaded into the script engine using load(). Functions declared in the code can be called using call().

The script provides scriptEngine() provides feedback to the application through signals. The most important signal is the error() signal. Direct access to the QAxScriptEngine is provided through the scriptEngine() function.

Warning: This class is not available with the bcc5.5 and MingW compilers.

See also QAxScriptEngine, QAxScriptManager, QAxBase, and ActiveQt Framework.

Member Type Documentation

enum QAxScript::FunctionFlags

This FunctionFlags enum describes formatting for function introspection.

Constant Value Description
QAxScript::FunctionNames 0 Only function names are returned.
QAxScript::FunctionSignatures 1 Returns the functions with signatures.

Member Function Documentation

QAxScript::QAxScript ( const QString & name, QAxScriptManager * manager )

Constructs a QAxScript object called name and registers it with the QAxScriptManager manager. This is usually done by the QAxScriptManager class when loading a script.

A script should always have a name. A manager is necessary to allow the script code to reference objects in the application. The manager takes ownership of the object.

QAxScript::~QAxScript ()

Destroys the object, releasing all allocated resources.

QVariant QAxScript::call ( const QString & function, const QVariant & var1 = QVariant(), const QVariant & var2 = QVariant(), const QVariant & var3 = QVariant(), const QVariant & var4 = QVariant(), const QVariant & var5 = QVariant(), const QVariant & var6 = QVariant(), const QVariant & var7 = QVariant(), const QVariant & var8 = QVariant() )

Calls function, passing the parameters var1, var1, var2, var3, var4, var5, var6, var7 and var8 as arguments and returns the value returned by the function, or an invalid QVariant if the function does not return a value or when the function call failed.

See QAxScriptManager::call() for more information about how to call script functions.

QVariant QAxScript::call ( const QString & function, QList<QVariant> & arguments )

This is an overloaded function.

Calls function passing arguments as parameters, and returns the result. Returns when the script's execution has finished.

See QAxScriptManager::call() for more information about how to call script functions.

void QAxScript::entered () [signal]

This signal is emitted when a script engine has started executing code.

void QAxScript::error ( int code, const QString & description, int sourcePosition, const QString & sourceText ) [signal]

This signal is emitted when an execution error occurred while running a script.

code, description, sourcePosition and sourceText contain information about the execution error.

void QAxScript::finished () [signal]

This signal is emitted when a script engine has finished executing code.

void QAxScript::finished ( const QVariant & result ) [signal]

This is an overloaded function.

result contains the script's result. This will be an invalid QVariant if the script has no return value.

void QAxScript::finished ( int code, const QString & source, const QString & description, const QString & help ) [signal]

This is an overloaded function.

code, source, description and help contain exception information when the script terminated.

QStringList QAxScript::functions ( FunctionFlags flags = FunctionNames ) const

Returns a list of all the functions in this script if the respective script engine supports introspection; otherwise returns an empty list. The functions are either provided with full prototypes or only as names, depending on the value of flags.

See also QAxScriptEngine::hasIntrospection().

bool QAxScript::load ( const QString & code, const QString & language = QString() )

Loads the script source code written in language language into the script engine. Returns true if code was successfully entered into the script engine; otherwise returns false.

If language is empty (the default) it will be determined heuristically. If code contains the string End Sub it will be interpreted as VBScript, otherwise as JScript. Additional scripting languages can be registered using QAxScript::registerEngine().

This function can only be called once for each QAxScript object, which is done automatically when using QAxScriptManager::load().

QString QAxScript::scriptCode () const

Returns the script's code, or the null-string if no code has been loaded yet.

See also load().

QAxScriptEngine * QAxScript::scriptEngine () const

Returns a pointer to the script engine.

You can use the object returned to connect signals to the script functions, or to access the script engine directly.

QString QAxScript::scriptName () const

Returns the name of the script.

void QAxScript::stateChanged ( int state ) [signal]

This signal is emitted when a script engine changes state. state can be any value in the QAxScriptEngineState enumeration.