Qt 3 Support Members for QSettings

The following class members are part of the Qt 3 support layer. They are provided to help you port old code to Qt 4. We advise against using them in new code.

Public Types

enum System { Unix, Windows, Mac }

Public Functions

QStringList entryList ( const QString & key ) const
void insertSearchPath ( System system, const QString & path )
bool readBoolEntry ( const QString & key, bool defaultValue = false, bool * ok = 0 )
double readDoubleEntry ( const QString & key, double defaultValue = 0, bool * ok = 0 )
QString readEntry ( const QString & key, const QString & defaultValue = QString(), bool * ok = 0 )
QStringList readListEntry ( const QString & key, bool * ok = 0 )
QStringList readListEntry ( const QString & key, QChar separator, bool * ok = 0 )
int readNumEntry ( const QString & key, int defaultValue = 0, bool * ok = 0 )
bool removeEntry ( const QString & key )
void removeSearchPath ( System system, const QString & path )
void resetGroup ()
void setPath ( const QString & organization, const QString & application, Scope scope = Global )
QStringList subkeyList ( const QString & key ) const
bool writeEntry ( const QString & key, bool value )
bool writeEntry ( const QString & key, double value )
bool writeEntry ( const QString & key, int value )
bool writeEntry ( const QString & key, const char * value )
bool writeEntry ( const QString & key, const QString & value )
bool writeEntry ( const QString & key, const QStringList & value )
bool writeEntry ( const QString & key, const QStringList & value, QChar separator )
  • 8 public functions inherited from QObject

Member Type Documentation

enum QSettings::System

Constant Value Description
QSettings::Unix 0 Unix systems (X11 and Embedded Linux)
QSettings::Windows 1 Microsoft Windows systems
QSettings::Mac 2 Mac OS X systems

See also insertSearchPath() and removeSearchPath().

Member Function Documentation

QStringList QSettings::entryList ( const QString & key ) const

Returns a list of all sub-keys of key.

Use childKeys() instead.

For example, if you have code like

 QSettings settings;
 QStringList keys = settings.entryList("cities");

you can rewrite it as

 QSettings settings;
 QStringList keys = settings.childKeys();

void QSettings::insertSearchPath ( System system, const QString & path )

This function is implemented as a no-op. It is provided for source compatibility with Qt 3. The new QSettings class has no concept of "search path".

bool QSettings::readBoolEntry ( const QString & key, bool defaultValue = false, bool * ok = 0 )

Returns the value for setting key converted to a bool. If the setting doesn't exist, returns defaultValue.

If ok is not 0, *ok is set to true if the key exists, otherwise *ok is set to false.

Use value() instead.

For example, if you have code like

 bool ok;
 bool grid = settings.readBoolEntry("showGrid", true, &ok);

you can rewrite it as

 bool ok = settings.contains("showGrid");
 bool grid = settings.value("showGrid", true).toBool();

double QSettings::readDoubleEntry ( const QString & key, double defaultValue = 0, bool * ok = 0 )

Returns the value for setting key converted to a double. If the setting doesn't exist, returns defaultValue.

If ok is not 0, *ok is set to true if the key exists, otherwise *ok is set to false.

Use value() instead.

For example, if you have code like

 bool ok;
 double pi = settings.readDoubleEntry("pi", 3.141592, &ok);

you can rewrite it as

 bool ok = settings.contains("pi");
 double pi = settings.value("pi", 3.141592).toDouble();

QString QSettings::readEntry ( const QString & key, const QString & defaultValue = QString(), bool * ok = 0 )

Returns the value for setting key converted to a QString. If the setting doesn't exist, returns defaultValue.

If ok is not 0, *ok is set to true if the key exists, otherwise *ok is set to false.

Use value() instead.

For example, if you have code like

 bool ok;
 QString str = settings.readEntry("userName", "administrator", &ok);

you can rewrite it as

 bool ok = settings.contains("userName");
 QString str = settings.value("userName", "administrator").toString();

QStringList QSettings::readListEntry ( const QString & key, bool * ok = 0 )

Returns the value of setting key converted to a QStringList.

If ok is not 0, *ok is set to true if the key exists, otherwise *ok is set to false.

Use value() instead.

For example, if you have code like

 bool ok;
 QStringList list = settings.readListEntry("recentFiles", &ok);

you can rewrite it as

 bool ok = settings.contains("recentFiles");
 QStringList list = settings.value("recentFiles").toStringList();

QStringList QSettings::readListEntry ( const QString & key, QChar separator, bool * ok = 0 )

Returns the value of setting key converted to a QStringList. separator is ignored.

If ok is not 0, *ok is set to true if the key exists, otherwise *ok is set to false.

Use value() instead.

For example, if you have code like

 bool ok;
 QStringList list = settings.readListEntry("recentFiles", ":", &ok);

you can rewrite it as

 bool ok = settings.contains("recentFiles");
 QStringList list = settings.value("recentFiles").toStringList();

int QSettings::readNumEntry ( const QString & key, int defaultValue = 0, bool * ok = 0 )

Returns the value for setting key converted to an int. If the setting doesn't exist, returns defaultValue.

If ok is not 0, *ok is set to true if the key exists, otherwise *ok is set to false.

Use value() instead.

For example, if you have code like

 bool ok;
 int max = settings.readNumEntry("maxConnections", 30, &ok);

you can rewrite it as

 bool ok = settings.contains("maxConnections");
 int max = settings.value("maxConnections", 30).toInt();

bool QSettings::removeEntry ( const QString & key )

Use remove() instead.

void QSettings::removeSearchPath ( System system, const QString & path )

This function is implemented as a no-op. It is provided for source compatibility with Qt 3. The new QSettings class has no concept of "search path".

void QSettings::resetGroup ()

Sets the current group to be the empty string.

Use endGroup() instead (possibly multiple times).

For example, if you have code like

 QSettings settings;

you can rewrite it as

 QSettings settings;

void QSettings::setPath ( const QString & organization, const QString & application, Scope scope = Global )

Specifies the organization, application, and scope to use by the QSettings object.

Use the appropriate constructor instead, with QSettings::UserScope instead of QSettings::User and QSettings::SystemScope instead of QSettings::Global.

For example, if you have code like

 QSettings settings;
 settings.setPath("twikimaster.com", "Kanooth", QSettings::Global);

you can rewrite it as

 QSettings settings(QSettings::SystemScope, "twikimaster.com", "Kanooth");

QStringList QSettings::subkeyList ( const QString & key ) const

Returns a list of all sub-keys of key.

Use childGroups() instead.

For example, if you have code like

 QSettings settings;
 QStringList groups = settings.entryList("cities");

you can rewrite it as

 QSettings settings;
 QStringList groups = settings.childKeys();

bool QSettings::writeEntry ( const QString & key, bool value )

Sets the value of setting key to value.

Use setValue() instead.

bool QSettings::writeEntry ( const QString & key, double value )

This is an overloaded function.

bool QSettings::writeEntry ( const QString & key, int value )

This is an overloaded function.

bool QSettings::writeEntry ( const QString & key, const char * value )

This is an overloaded function.

bool QSettings::writeEntry ( const QString & key, const QString & value )

This is an overloaded function.

bool QSettings::writeEntry ( const QString & key, const QStringList & value )

This is an overloaded function.

bool QSettings::writeEntry ( const QString & key, const QStringList & value, QChar separator )

This is an overloaded function.

Use setValue(key, value) instead. You don't need separator.