QOrganizerItemFetchHint Class Reference

The QOrganizerItemFetchHint class provides hints to the manager about which organizer item information needs to be retrieved in an asynchronous fetch request or a synchronous function call. More...

 #include <QOrganizerItemFetchHint>

This class was introduced in Qt Mobility 1.1.

Public Types

enum OptimizationHint { AllRequired, NoBinaryBlobs }
flags OptimizationHints

Public Functions

QOrganizerItemFetchHint ()
QOrganizerItemFetchHint ( const QOrganizerItemFetchHint & other )
~QOrganizerItemFetchHint ()
QStringList detailDefinitionsHint () const
OptimizationHints optimizationHints () const
void setDetailDefinitionsHint ( const QStringList & definitionNames )
void setOptimizationHints ( OptimizationHints hints )
QOrganizerItemFetchHint & operator= ( const QOrganizerItemFetchHint & other )

Detailed Description

The QOrganizerItemFetchHint class provides hints to the manager about which organizer item information needs to be retrieved in an asynchronous fetch request or a synchronous function call.

All of the hints may be ignored at the discretion of the manager, however if a manager is able to optimize retrieval of organizer items due to hints, it may do so. If a manager ignores a hint, it must retrieve the full set of data that the hint refers to.

The fetch hint contains:

  • a list of detail definition names which the client is interested in (empty if interested in all detail definitions)
  • some optimization flags which allow the client to tell the backend if they are not interested in binary blobs (images etc).

Important note: a client should not make changes to an organizer item which has been retrieved using a fetch hint other than the default fetch hint. Doing so will result in information loss when saving the organizer item back to the manager (as the "new" restricted organizer item will replace the previously saved organizer item in the backend).

Member Type Documentation

enum QOrganizerItemFetchHint::OptimizationHint
flags QOrganizerItemFetchHint::OptimizationHints

This enum defines flags which may be set to inform the backend that the client does not require certain information. The backend may safely ignore the hint, but then must return the full set of information relating to the optimization hint.

Constant Value Description
QOrganizerItemFetchHint::AllRequired 0x0 Tells the backend that all information is required Tells the backend that the client does not require retrieved organizer items to include a cache of action preferences
QOrganizerItemFetchHint::NoBinaryBlobs 0x4 Tells the backend that the client does not require retrieved organizer items to include binary blobs such as thumbnail images

The OptimizationHints type is a typedef for QFlags<OptimizationHint>. It stores an OR combination of OptimizationHint values.

Member Function Documentation

QOrganizerItemFetchHint::QOrganizerItemFetchHint ()

Constructs a new organizer item fetch hint which requests that the backend fetch all information

QOrganizerItemFetchHint::QOrganizerItemFetchHint ( const QOrganizerItemFetchHint & other )

Constructs a new organizer item fetch hint as a copy of other

This function was introduced in Qt Mobility 1.1.

QOrganizerItemFetchHint::~QOrganizerItemFetchHint ()

Frees any memory in use by the fetch hint

QStringList QOrganizerItemFetchHint::detailDefinitionsHint () const

Returns the list of definition names that identify detail definitions of which details the manager should (at a minimum) retrieve when fetching organizer items. This hint may be ignored by the backend, in which case it will return the full set of details for each organizer item retrieved.

This function was introduced in Qt Mobility 1.1.

See also setDetailDefinitionsHint().

OptimizationHints QOrganizerItemFetchHint::optimizationHints () const

Returns the optimization hint flags specified by the client. These hints may be ignored by the backend, in which case it will return the full set of information accessible in an organizer item.

This function was introduced in Qt Mobility 1.1.

See also setOptimizationHints().

void QOrganizerItemFetchHint::setDetailDefinitionsHint ( const QStringList & definitionNames )

Sets the list of definition names that identify detail definitions of which details the manager should (at a minimum) retrieve when fetching organizer items to definitionNames. This hint may be ignored by the backend, in which case it will return the full set of details for each organizer item retrieved.

This function was introduced in Qt Mobility 1.1.

See also detailDefinitionsHint().

void QOrganizerItemFetchHint::setOptimizationHints ( OptimizationHints hints )

Sets the optimization hint flags specified by the client to hints. These hints may be ignored by the backend, in which case it will return the full set of information accessible in an organizer item.

This function was introduced in Qt Mobility 1.1.

See also optimizationHints().

QOrganizerItemFetchHint & QOrganizerItemFetchHint::operator= ( const QOrganizerItemFetchHint & other )

Assigns this fetch hint to be equal to the other fetch hint

This function was introduced in Qt Mobility 1.1.