QOrganizerItemCollectionFilter Class Reference

The QOrganizerItemCollectionFilter class provides a filter based around a list of organizeritem ids More...

 #include <QOrganizerItemCollectionFilter>

Inherits: QOrganizerItemFilter.

This class was introduced in Qt Mobility 1.1.

Public Functions

QOrganizerItemCollectionFilter ()
QOrganizerItemCollectionFilter ( const QOrganizerItemFilter & other )
QSet<QOrganizerCollectionId> collectionIds () const
void setCollectionId ( const QOrganizerCollectionId & id )
void setCollectionIds ( const QSet<QOrganizerCollectionId> & ids )

Detailed Description

The QOrganizerItemCollectionFilter class provides a filter based around a list of organizeritem ids

It may be used to select organizeritems whose ids are contained in the given list of ids.

Member Function Documentation

QOrganizerItemCollectionFilter::QOrganizerItemCollectionFilter ()

* Constructs a new organizeritem id filter

This function was introduced in Qt Mobility 1.1.

QOrganizerItemCollectionFilter::QOrganizerItemCollectionFilter ( const QOrganizerItemFilter & other )

* * Constructs a copy of other if possible, otherwise constructs a new organizeritem id filter

This function was introduced in Qt Mobility 1.1.

QSet<QOrganizerCollectionId> QOrganizerItemCollectionFilter::collectionIds () const

* Returns the list of ids of organizeritems which match this filter

This function was introduced in Qt Mobility 1.1.

See also setCollectionIds().

void QOrganizerItemCollectionFilter::setCollectionId ( const QOrganizerCollectionId & id )

* Clears the list which contains the ids of possible matching organizeritems, and sets it to the list * which contains a single id id.

This function was introduced in Qt Mobility 1.1.

void QOrganizerItemCollectionFilter::setCollectionIds ( const QSet<QOrganizerCollectionId> & ids )

* Sets the list which contains the ids of possible matching organizeritems to ids

This function was introduced in Qt Mobility 1.1.

See also collectionIds().