QVersitOrganizerImporterPropertyHandler Class Reference

The QVersitOrganizerImporterPropertyHandler class is an interface for specifying custom import behaviour for vCard properties. More...

 #include <QVersitOrganizerImporterPropertyHandler>

Inherited by: QVersitOrganizerHandler.

Public Functions

virtual ~QVersitOrganizerImporterPropertyHandler ()
virtual void propertyProcessed ( const QVersitDocument & document, const QVersitProperty & property, const QOrganizerItem & item, bool * alreadyProcessed, QList<QOrganizerItemDetail> * updatedDetails ) = 0
virtual void subDocumentProcessed ( const QVersitDocument & topLevel, const QVersitDocument & subDocument, QOrganizerItem * item ) = 0

Detailed Description

The QVersitOrganizerImporterPropertyHandler class is an interface for specifying custom import behaviour for vCard properties.

For general information on extending Qt Versit, see the document on Versit Plugins.

See also QVersitOrganizerImporter.

Member Function Documentation

QVersitOrganizerImporterPropertyHandler::~QVersitOrganizerImporterPropertyHandler () [virtual]

Frees any memory in use by this handler.

void QVersitOrganizerImporterPropertyHandler::propertyProcessed ( const QVersitDocument & document, const QVersitProperty & property, const QOrganizerItem & item, bool * alreadyProcessed, QList<QOrganizerItemDetail> * updatedDetails ) [pure virtual]

Process property and provide a list of updated details by adding them to updatedDetails.

This function is called on every QVersitProperty encountered during an import, after the property has been processed by the QVersitOrganizerImporter. An implementation of this function can be made to provide support for vCard properties not supported by QVersitOrganizerImporter.

The supplied document is the container for the property. alreadyProcessed is true if the QVersitOrganizerImporter or another handler was successful in processing the property. If it is false and the handler processes the property, it should be set to true to inform later handlers that the property requires no further processing. item holds the state of the item before the property was processed by the importer. updatedDetails is initially filled with a list of details that the importer will update, and can be modified (by removing, modifying or adding details to the list)

void QVersitOrganizerImporterPropertyHandler::subDocumentProcessed ( const QVersitDocument & topLevel, const QVersitDocument & subDocument, QOrganizerItem * item ) [pure virtual]

Perform any final processing on the item generated by the subDocument. topLevel is the container within which subDocument was found. This can be implemented by the handler to clear any internal state before moving onto the next document.

This function is called after all QVersitProperties have been handled by the QVersitOrganizerImporter.