QHelpContentModel Class Reference

The QHelpContentModel class provides a model that supplies content to views. More...

 #include <QHelpContentModel>

Inherits: QAbstractItemModel.

This class was introduced in Qt 4.4.

Public Functions

~QHelpContentModel ()
QHelpContentItem * contentItemAt ( const QModelIndex & index ) const
void createContents ( const QString & customFilterName )
bool isCreatingContents () const

Reimplemented Public Functions

virtual int columnCount ( const QModelIndex & parent = QModelIndex() ) const
virtual QVariant data ( const QModelIndex & index, int role ) const
virtual QModelIndex index ( int row, int column, const QModelIndex & parent = QModelIndex() ) const
virtual QModelIndex parent ( const QModelIndex & index ) const
virtual int rowCount ( const QModelIndex & parent = QModelIndex() ) const


void contentsCreated ()
void contentsCreationStarted ()

Additional Inherited Members

Detailed Description

The QHelpContentModel class provides a model that supplies content to views.

Member Function Documentation

QHelpContentModel::~QHelpContentModel ()

Destroys the help content model.

int QHelpContentModel::columnCount ( const QModelIndex & parent = QModelIndex() ) const [virtual]

Reimplemented from QAbstractItemModel::columnCount().

Returns the number of columns under the given parent. Currently returns always 1.

QHelpContentItem * QHelpContentModel::contentItemAt ( const QModelIndex & index ) const

Returns the help content item at the model index position index.

void QHelpContentModel::contentsCreated () [signal]

This signal is emitted when the contents have been created.

void QHelpContentModel::contentsCreationStarted () [signal]

This signal is emitted when the creation of the contents has started. The current contents are invalid from this point on until the signal contentsCreated() is emitted.

See also isCreatingContents().

void QHelpContentModel::createContents ( const QString & customFilterName )

Creates new contents by querying the help system for contents specified for the customFilterName.

QVariant QHelpContentModel::data ( const QModelIndex & index, int role ) const [virtual]

Reimplemented from QAbstractItemModel::data().

Returns the data stored under the given role for the item referred to by the index.

QModelIndex QHelpContentModel::index ( int row, int column, const QModelIndex & parent = QModelIndex() ) const [virtual]

Reimplemented from QAbstractItemModel::index().

Returns the index of the item in the model specified by the given row, column and parent index.

bool QHelpContentModel::isCreatingContents () const

Returns true if the contents are currently rebuilt, otherwise false.

QModelIndex QHelpContentModel::parent ( const QModelIndex & index ) const [virtual]

Reimplemented from QAbstractItemModel::parent().

Returns the parent of the model item with the given index, or QModelIndex() if it has no parent.

int QHelpContentModel::rowCount ( const QModelIndex & parent = QModelIndex() ) const [virtual]

Reimplemented from QAbstractItemModel::rowCount().

Returns the number of rows under the given parent.