QMediaServiceSupportedDevicesInterface Class Reference

The QMediaServiceSupportedDevicesInterface class interface identifies the devices supported by a media service plug-in. More...

 #include <QMediaServiceSupportedDevicesInterface>

This class was introduced in Qt Mobility 1.0.

Public Functions

virtual ~QMediaServiceSupportedDevicesInterface ()
virtual QString deviceDescription ( const QByteArray & service, const QByteArray & device ) = 0
virtual QList<QByteArray> devices ( const QByteArray & service ) const = 0

Detailed Description

The QMediaServiceSupportedDevicesInterface class interface identifies the devices supported by a media service plug-in.

A QMediaServiceProviderPlugin may implement this interface.

Member Function Documentation

QMediaServiceSupportedDevicesInterface::~QMediaServiceSupportedDevicesInterface () [virtual]

Destroys a media service supported devices interface.

QString QMediaServiceSupportedDevicesInterface::deviceDescription ( const QByteArray & service, const QByteArray & device ) [pure virtual]

Returns a description of a device supported by a plug-in service.

This function was introduced in Qt Mobility 1.0.

QList<QByteArray> QMediaServiceSupportedDevicesInterface::devices ( const QByteArray & service ) const [pure virtual]

Returns a list of devices supported by a plug-in service.

This function was introduced in Qt Mobility 1.0.