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Tp::PendingHandles Class Reference
[Connection proxies]

The PendingHandles class represents the parameters of and the reply to an asynchronous handle request/hold. More...

#include <TelepathyQt4/PendingHandles>

Inherits Tp::PendingOperation.

List of all members.

Public Member Functions

Detailed Description

The PendingHandles class represents the parameters of and the reply to an asynchronous handle request/hold.

Instances of this class cannot be constructed directly; the only way to get one is to use Connection::requestHandles() or Connection::referenceHandles().

See Asynchronous Object Model

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

Tp::PendingHandles::~PendingHandles (  ) 

Class destructor.

Member Function Documentation

ConnectionPtr Tp::PendingHandles::connection (  )  const

Return the connection through which the operation was made.

A pointer to the Connection object.
HandleType Tp::PendingHandles::handleType (  )  const

Return the handle type specified in the operation.

The target handle type as HandleType.
bool Tp::PendingHandles::isRequest (  )  const

Return whether the operation was a handle request (as opposed to a reference of existing handles).

true if the operation was a request (== !isReference()), false otherwise.
See also:
bool Tp::PendingHandles::isReference (  )  const

Return whether the operation was a handle reference (as opposed to a request for new handles).

true if the operation was a reference (== !isRequest()), false otherwise.
See also:
const QStringList & Tp::PendingHandles::namesRequested (  )  const

If the operation was a request (as returned by isRequest()), returns the names of the entities for which handles were requested for. Otherwise, returns an empty list.

Reference to a list of the names of the entities.
QStringList Tp::PendingHandles::validNames (  )  const
QHash< QString, QPair< QString, QString > > Tp::PendingHandles::invalidNames (  )  const
const UIntList & Tp::PendingHandles::handlesToReference (  )  const

If the operation was a reference (as returned by isReference()), returns the handles which were to be referenced. Otherwise, returns an empty list.

Reference to a list of the handles specified to be referenced.
ReferencedHandles Tp::PendingHandles::handles (  )  const

Return the now-referenced handles resulting from the operation. If the operation has not (yet) finished successfully (isFinished() returns false), the return value is undefined.

For requests of new handles, handles()[i] will be the handle corresponding to the entity name namesToRequest()[i]. For references of existing handles, handles()[i] == handlesToReference()[i] will be true for any i.

ReferencedHandles object containing the handles.
UIntList Tp::PendingHandles::invalidHandles (  )  const

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Telepathy-Qt4 0.6.5