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#include <TelepathyQt4/Client>

Inherits Tp::AbstractInterface.

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Public Slots

Public Member Functions

Static Public Member Functions

Protected Member Functions

Detailed Description

Proxy class providing a 1:1 mapping of the D-Bus interface "org.freedesktop.Telepathy.Client.Approver."

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

Tp::Client::ClientApproverInterface::ClientApproverInterface ( const QString busName,
const QString objectPath,
QObject parent = 0  

Creates a ClientApproverInterface associated with the given object on the session bus.

busName  Name of the service the object is on.
objectPath  Path to the object on the service.
parent  Passed to the parent class constructor.
Tp::Client::ClientApproverInterface::ClientApproverInterface ( const QDBusConnection connection,
const QString busName,
const QString objectPath,
QObject parent = 0  

Creates a ClientApproverInterface associated with the given object on the given bus.

connection  The bus via which the object can be reached.
busName  Name of the service the object is on.
objectPath  Path to the object on the service.
parent  Passed to the parent class constructor.
Tp::Client::ClientApproverInterface::ClientApproverInterface ( Tp::DBusProxy proxy  ) 

Creates a ClientApproverInterface associated with the same object as the given proxy.

proxy  The proxy to use. It will also be the QObject::parent() for this object.
Tp::Client::ClientApproverInterface::ClientApproverInterface ( const Tp::Client::ClientInterface mainInterface  )  [explicit]

Creates a ClientApproverInterface associated with the same object as the given proxy. Additionally, the created proxy will have the same parent as the given proxy.

mainInterface  The proxy to use.
Tp::Client::ClientApproverInterface::ClientApproverInterface ( const Tp::Client::ClientInterface mainInterface,
QObject parent  

Creates a ClientApproverInterface associated with the same object as the given proxy. However, a different parent object can be specified.

mainInterface  The proxy to use.
parent  Passed to the parent class constructor.

Member Function Documentation

static QLatin1String Tp::Client::ClientApproverInterface::staticInterfaceName (  )  [inline, static]

Returns the name of the interface "org.freedesktop.Telepathy.Client.Approver", which this class represents.

The D-Bus interface name.
Tp::PendingVariant* Tp::Client::ClientApproverInterface::requestPropertyApproverChannelFilter (  )  const [inline]

Asynchronous getter for the remote object property ApproverChannelFilter of type Tp::ChannelClassList.

A specification of the channels in which this approver is interested. The AddDispatchOperation() method should be called by the channel dispatcher whenever at least one of the channels in a channel dispatch operation matches this description.

This property works in exactly the same way as the ClientObserverInterface::ObserverChannelFilter property. In particular, it cannot change while the approver process continues to own the corresponding Client bus name.

In the .client file, it is represented in the same way as ObserverChannelFilter, but the group has the same name as this interface and the keys start with ApproverChannelFilter instead of ObserverChannelFilter.

A pending variant which will emit finished when the property has been retrieved.
Tp::PendingVariantMap* Tp::Client::ClientApproverInterface::requestAllProperties (  )  const [inline]

Request all of the DBus properties on the interface.

A pending variant map which will emit finished when the properties have been retrieved.
QDBusPendingReply Tp::Client::ClientApproverInterface::AddDispatchOperation ( const Tp::ChannelDetailsList channels,
const QDBusObjectPath dispatchOperation,
const QVariantMap &  properties,
int  timeout = -1  
) [inline, slot]

Begins a call to the D-Bus method AddDispatchOperation on the remote object.

Called by the channel dispatcher when a ChannelDispatchOperation in which the approver has registered an interest is created, or when the approver starts up while such channel dispatch operations already exist.

The channel dispatcher SHOULD call this method on all approvers at the same time. If an approver returns an error from this method, the approver is assumed to be faulty.

If no approvers return from this method successfully (including situations where there are no matching approvers at all), the channel dispatcher SHOULD consider this to be an error, and recover by dispatching the channel to the most preferred handler.

Processes that aren't approvers (or don't at least ensure that there is some approver) probably shouldn't be making connections anyway, so there should always be at least one approver running.

Note that timeout is ignored as of now. It will be used once http://bugreports.qt.nokia.com/browse/QTBUG-11775 is fixed.


The initial value of the ChannelDispatchOperationInterface::Channels property, containing the ChannelInterface s to be dispatched and their properties.

This can't be signalled to the approver through the Properties parameter of this method, because Channels is not an immutable property.

This argument always contains all of the channels in the channel dispatch operation, even if not all of them actually match the ApproverChannelFilter .

This seems the least bad way to handle such a situation; see the discussion on bug #21090.

The actual channels to be dispatched may reduce as channels are closed: this is signalled by ChannelDispatchOperationInterface::ChannelLost() .

Approvers SHOULD connect to ChannelLost and ChannelDispatchOperationInterface::Finished() . (if desired) before returning from AddDispatchOperation, since those signals are guaranteed not to be emitted until after all AddDispatchOperation calls have returned (with success or failure) or timed out.


The ChannelDispatchOperationInterface to be processed.

properties  Properties of the channel dispatch operation. The keys MUST be fully qualified D-Bus property names. This MUST NOT include properties that could change, SHOULD include as many properties as possible given that constraint, and MUST include at least the Account, Connection and PossibleHandlers properties.
timeout  The timeout in milliseconds.
void Tp::Client::ClientApproverInterface::invalidate ( Tp::DBusProxy proxy,
const QString error,
const QString message  
) [protected, virtual]

Reimplemented from Tp::AbstractInterface.

Copyright © 2008-2011 Collabora Ltd. and Nokia Corporation
Telepathy-Qt4 0.6.5