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The ContactMessenger class provides an easy way to send text messages to a contact and also track sent/receive text messages from the same contact. More...

#include <TelepathyQt4/ContactMessenger>

Inherits QObject, and Tp::RefCounted.

List of all members.


Public Member Functions

Static Public Member Functions

  • static ContactMessengerPtr create (const AccountPtr &account, const ContactPtr &contact)
  • static ContactMessengerPtr create (const AccountPtr &account, const QString &contactIdentifier)

Detailed Description

The ContactMessenger class provides an easy way to send text messages to a contact and also track sent/receive text messages from the same contact.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

Tp::ContactMessenger::~ContactMessenger (  )  [virtual]

Class destructor.

Member Function Documentation

ContactMessengerPtr Tp::ContactMessenger::create ( const AccountPtr &  account,
const ContactPtr &  contact  
) [static]

Create a new ContactMessenger object.

account  The account this messenger is communicating with.
contact  The contact this messenger is communicating with.
An ContactMessengerPtr object pointing to the newly created ContactMessenger object, or a null ContactMessengerPtr if contact is null.
ContactMessengerPtr Tp::ContactMessenger::create ( const AccountPtr &  account,
const QString contactIdentifier  
) [static]

Create a new ContactMessenger object.

account  The account this messenger is communicating with.
contactIdentifier  The identifier of the contact this messenger is communicating with.
An ContactMessengerPtr object pointing to the newly created ContactMessenger object, or a null ContactMessengerPtr if contact is null.
AccountPtr Tp::ContactMessenger::account (  )  const

Return the account this messenger is communicating with.

A pointer to the Account object.
QString Tp::ContactMessenger::contactIdentifier (  )  const

Return the identifier of the contact this messenger is communicating with.

The identifier of the contact.
QList< TextChannelPtr > Tp::ContactMessenger::textChats (  )  const

Return the list of text chats currently being observed.

A list of pointers to TextChannel objects.
PendingSendMessage * Tp::ContactMessenger::sendMessage ( const QString text,
ChannelTextMessageType  type = ChannelTextMessageTypeNormal,
MessageSendingFlags  flags = 0  

Send a message to the contact identified by contactIdentifier() using account().

Note that the return from this method isn't ordered in any sane way, meaning that messageSent() can be signalled either before or after the returned PendingSendMessage object finishes.

text  The message text.
type  The message type.
flags  The message flags.
A PendingSendMessage which will emit PendingSendMessage::finished once the reply is received and that can be used to check whether sending the message succeeded or not.
PendingSendMessage * Tp::ContactMessenger::sendMessage ( const MessageContentPartList parts,
MessageSendingFlags  flags = 0  

Send a message to the contact identified by contactIdentifier() using account().

Note that the return from this method isn't ordered in any sane way, meaning that messageSent() can be signalled either before or after the returned PendingSendMessage object finishes.

parts  The message parts.
flags  The message flags.
A PendingSendMessage which will emit PendingSendMessage::finished once the reply is received and that can be used to check whether sending the message succeeded or not.
void Tp::ContactMessenger::messageSent ( const Tp::Message message,
Tp::MessageSendingFlags  flags,
const QString sentMessageToken,
const Tp::TextChannelPtr &  channel  
) [signal]

Emitted whenever a text message on account() is sent to the contact identified by contactIdentifier().

message  The message sent.
flags  The flags of the message that was sent.
sentMessageToken  The token of the message that was sent.
channel  The channel from which the message was sent.
void Tp::ContactMessenger::messageReceived ( const Tp::ReceivedMessage message,
const Tp::TextChannelPtr &  channel  
) [signal]

Emitted whenever a text message on account() is received from the contact identified by contactIdentifier().

message  The message received.
channel  The channel from which the message was received.

Copyright © 2008-2011 Collabora Ltd. and Nokia Corporation
Telepathy-Qt4 0.6.5