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Enumerated type constants
[Types and constants]

Collaboration diagram for Enumerated type constants:



Detailed Description

Types generated from the specification representing enumerated types ie. types the values of which are mutually exclusive integral constants.

Enumeration Type Documentation

Enumerated type generated from the specification.


A "null" handle type used to indicate the absence of a handle. When a handle type and a handle appear as a pair, if the handle type is zero, the handle must also be zero.


A contact


A chat room


A server-generated contact list (see Channel.Interface.Group)


A user-defined contact list (see Channel.Interface.Group)


Enumerated type generated from the specification.


The connection is fully connected and all methods are available.


Connect has been called but the connection has not yet been established. Some methods may fail until the connection has been established.


If this is retrieved from GetStatus or Status, it indicates that connection has not yet been attempted. If seen in a StatusChanged signal, it indicates that the connection has failed; the Connection object SHOULD be removed from D-Bus immediately, and all subsequent method calls SHOULD fail.


Enumerated type generated from the specification.

A reason why the status of the connection changed. Apart from Requested, the values of this enumeration only make sense as reasons why the status changed to Disconnected.


There is no reason set for this state change. Unknown status reasons SHOULD be treated like this reason.

When disconnected for this reason, the equivalent D-Bus error is org.freedesktop.Telepathy.Error.Disconnected.


The change is in response to a user request. Changes to the Connecting or Connected status SHOULD always indicate this reason; changes to the Disconnected status SHOULD indicate this reason if and only if the disconnection was requested by the user.

When disconnected for this reason, the equivalent D-Bus error is org.freedesktop.Telepathy.Error.Cancelled.


There was an error sending or receiving on the network socket.

When the status changes from Connecting to Disconnected for this reason, the equivalent D-Bus error is either org.freedesktop.Telepathy.Error.NetworkError, org.freedesktop.Telepathy.Error.ConnectionRefused, org.freedesktop.Telepathy.Error.ConnectionFailed or some more specific error.

When the status changes from Connected to Disconnected for this reason, the equivalent D-Bus error is either org.freedesktop.Telepathy.Error.NetworkError, org.freedesktop.Telepathy.Error.ConnectionLost or some more specific error.


The username or password was invalid.

When disconnected for this reason, the equivalent D-Bus error is org.freedesktop.Telepathy.Error.AuthenticationFailed.


There was an error negotiating SSL on this connection, or encryption was unavailable and require-encryption was set when the connection was created.

When disconnected for this reason, the equivalent D-Bus error is org.freedesktop.Telepathy.Error.EncryptionNotAvailable if encryption was not available at all, or org.freedesktop.Telepathy.Error.EncryptionError if encryption failed.


In general, this reason indicates that the requested account name or other identification could not be used due to conflict with another connection. It can be divided into three cases:

  • If the status change is from Connecting to Disconnected and the 'register' parameter to RequestConnection was present and true, the requested account could not be created on the server because it already exists. The equivalent D-Bus error is org.freedesktop.Telepathy.Error.RegistrationExists.
  • If the status change is from Connecting to Disconnected but the 'register' parameter is absent or false, the connection manager could not connect to the specified account because a connection to that account already exists. The equivalent D-Bus error is org.freedesktop.Telepathy.Error.AlreadyConnected.
    In some protocols, like XMPP (when connecting with the same JID and resource as an existing connection), the existing connection "wins" and the new one fails to connect.
  • If the status change is from Connected to Disconnected, the existing connection was automatically disconnected because a new connection to the same account (perhaps from a different client or location) was established. The equivalent D-Bus error is org.freedesktop.Telepathy.Error.ConnectionReplaced.
    In some protocols, like MSNP (when connecting twice with the same Passport), the new connection "wins" and the existing one is automatically disconnected.

The server did not provide a SSL certificate.

When disconnected for this reason, the equivalent D-Bus error is org.freedesktop.Telepathy.Error.Cert.NotProvided.


The server's SSL certificate is signed by an untrusted certifying authority. This error SHOULD NOT be used to represent a self-signed certificate: use the more specific Cert_Self_Signed reason for that.

When disconnected for this reason, the equivalent D-Bus error is org.freedesktop.Telepathy.Error.Cert.Untrusted.


The server's SSL certificate has expired.

When disconnected for this reason, the equivalent D-Bus error is org.freedesktop.Telepathy.Error.Cert.Expired.


The server's SSL certificate is not yet valid.

When disconnected for this reason, the equivalent D-Bus error is org.freedesktop.Telepathy.Error.Cert.NotActivated.


The server's SSL certificate did not match its hostname.

When disconnected for this reason, the equivalent D-Bus error is org.freedesktop.Telepathy.Error.Cert.HostnameMismatch.


The server's SSL certificate does not have the expected fingerprint.

When disconnected for this reason, the equivalent D-Bus error is org.freedesktop.Telepathy.Error.Cert.FingerprintMismatch.


The server's SSL certificate is self-signed.

When disconnected for this reason, the equivalent D-Bus error is org.freedesktop.Telepathy.Error.Cert.SelfSigned.


There was some other error validating the server's SSL certificate.

When disconnected for this reason, the equivalent D-Bus error is org.freedesktop.Telepathy.Error.Cert.Invalid.


The server's SSL certificate has been revoked.

When disconnected for this reason, the equivalent D-Bus error is org.freedesktop.Telepathy.Error.Cert.Revoked.


The server's SSL certificate uses an insecure algorithm, or is cryptographically weak.

When disconnected for this reason, the equivalent D-Bus error is org.freedesktop.Telepathy.Error.Cert.Insecure.


The length in bytes of the server certificate, or the depth of the sever certificate chain exceed the limits imposed by the crypto library.

When disconnected for this reason, the equivalent D-Bus error is org.freedesktop.Telepathy.Error.Cert.LimitExceeded


Enumerated type generated from the specification.

The progress made in retrieving the contact list.


The connection has not started to retrieve the contact list. If GetContactListAttributes is called in this state, it will raise NotYet.


The connection has started to retrieve the contact list, but has not yet succeeded or failed. If GetContactListAttributes is called in this state, it will raise NotYet.


The connection has tried and failed to retrieve the contact list. If GetContactListAttributes is called in this state, it will immediately raise an error indicating the reason for failure. The connection manager SHOULD try again to obtain the contact list, if appropriate for the protocol. If it succeeds later, the ContactListState MUST advance to Success.


The connection has successfully retrieved the contact list. If GetContactListAttributes is called in this state, it will return successfully.


Enumerated type generated from the specification.

An enumeration indicating whether presence subscription is denied, denied but pending permission, or allowed. The exact semantics vary according to where this type is used: see the subscribe and publish contact attributes for details.


The presence subscription state is unknown.


Presence information cannot be seen, and either the subscription state Removed_Remotely does not apply, or it is not known whether that state applies.


Presence information cannot be seen because the remote contact took action: either the local user's request to see the remote contact's presence was denied, or the remote contact requested to see the local user's presence but then cancelled their request.


Presence information cannot be seen. Permission to see presence information has been requested, and the request has not yet been declined or accepted.


Presence information can be seen.


Enumerated type generated from the specification.

Values of this enumeration indicate the extent to which metadata such as aliases and group memberships can be stored for the contacts on a particular connection.

On some protocols, certain metadata (for instance, contact aliases) can only be stored for contacts on the contact list, or contacts with a particular contact list state.

To make it easier to deal with such protocols, if clients set metadata on a contact who is not in the required state, the Connection MUST cache the metadata for the duration of the session. If clients request the attributes of that contact after the appropriate "set" method has returned successfully, the Connection MUST return the new (cached) value.

If the contact is later placed in the required state to store metadata (for instance, if subscription to the contact's presence is requested, on a protocol like MSN where the alias has storage type Subscribed_Or_Pending), the connection MUST store the cached metadata at that time.

If the Connection didn't cache changes in this way, a client intending to change the alias on MSN would have to wait until the server acknowledged the subscription request; in the meantime, other clients would still display the old alias.

The only exception to that general rule is that if the Connection cannot store particular metadata at all (i.e. the storage type is None), it MUST reject attempts to set it.

If the implementation knows that metadata can't be stored at all, it's useful to report that, which can be done synchronously. In general, user interfaces should detect storage type None and not display editing controls at all.


This connection cannot store this type of metadata at all, and attempting to do so will fail with NotImplemented.

Link-local XMPP can't store aliases or group memberships at all, and subscription and presence states are implicit (all contacts on the local network have subscribe = publish = Yes and no other contacts exist).

As of April 2010, the XMPP server for Facebook Chat provides a read-only view of the user's Facebook contacts, so it could also usefully have this storage type.


This type of metadata can only be stored permanently for contacts whose subscribe attribute is Ask or Yes.

Contact aliases and groups on MSN have this behaviour.


This type of metadata can only be stored permanently for contacts whose subscribe attribute is Yes.

No service with this behaviour is currently known, but it's a stricter form of Subscribed_Or_Pending.


The user can set this metadata for any valid contact identifier, whether or not they have any presence subscription relationship to it, and it will be stored on their contact list.

Contact aliases and groups on XMPP have this behaviour; it is possible to put a contact in a group, or assign an alias to them, without requesting that presence be shared.


Enumerated type generated from the specification.

The HTTP Method with which to request a URL.


Use the GET method when opening the URL.


Use the POST method when opening the URL. Refer to HTTP_Post_Data for more details.


Enumerated type generated from the specification.

The various types of service points a channel might connect to.


The channel is not communicating with a service point, or it is not known whether it is communicating with a service point (e.g. an ordinary call).


The service point is a generic emergency point.


The service point is some kind of counseling service (ie, mental health or child-services counseling).


Enumerated type generated from the specification.


An invalid presence type used as a null value. This value MUST NOT appear in the Statuses property, or in the result of GetStatuses on the deprecated Presence interface.








Away for an extended time


Hidden (invisible)


Busy, Do Not Disturb.


Unknown, unable to determine presence for this contact, for example if the protocol only allows presence of subscribed contacts.


Error, an error occurred while trying to determine presence. The message, if set, is an error from the server.


Enumerated type generated from the specification.

A type for communication access control. These control policies are used in org.freedesktop.Telepathy.Connection.Interface.CommunicationPolicy.DRAFT as well as most rich presence interfaces.

New interfaces should use this type, and NOT Rich_Presence_Access_Control_Type.


Only allow contacts that are in a certain whitelist.

The associated variant in Access_Control is a list of Contact_Handle representing the whitelist, with signature au.


Allow contacts in the user's 'publish' list. The associated variant in Access_Control is ignored.


Only allow contacts that are in a certain group.

The associated variant in Access_Control is a Group_Handle representing the permitted group.


Allow all contacts. The associated variant in Access_Control is ignored.


Allow all contacts in the user's 'subscribe' or 'publish' list. The associated variant in Access_Control is ignored.


Forbid all contacts. The associated variant in Access_Control is ignored.


The access control rule is too complex to be represented in the current Telepathy API. The associated variant is meaningless. Setting this mode is never valid; the connection manager MUST raise an error if this is attempted.

XEP-0016 Privacy Lists can easily produce access control mechanisms that can't be expressed in a simpler API. We need to be able to at least indicate that fact.

The associated variant in Access_Control is ignored.


Enumerated type generated from the specification.

A type of access control for Rich_Presence_Access_Control. For most types, the exact access control is given by an associated variant.

These are the access control types from XMPP publish/subscribe (XEP-0060).

ConnectionInterfaceLocationInterface uses this for historical reasons, new interfaces will use Access_Control_Type.


The associated variant is a list of contacts (signature 'au', Contact_Handle[]) who can see the extended presence information.


All contacts in the user's 'publish' contact list can see the extended presence information. The associated variant is ignored.


The associated variant is a handle of type Group (signature 'u', Group_Handle) representing a group of contacts who can see the extended presence information.


Anyone with access to the service can see the extended presence information.


Enumerated type generated from the specification.


The search has not started


The search is in progress


The search has paused, but more results can be retrieved by calling More.


The search has been completed


The search has failed


Enumerated type generated from the specification.


An invalid state type used as a null value. This value MUST NOT appear in the State property.


The file transfer is waiting to be accepted/closed by the receiver. The receiver has to call AcceptFile, then wait for the state to change to Open and check the offset value.


The receiver has accepted the transfer. The sender now has to call ProvideFile to actually start the transfer. The receiver should now wait for the state to change to Open and check the offset value.


The file transfer is open for traffic.


The file transfer has been completed successfully.


The file transfer has been cancelled.


Enumerated type generated from the specification.


No reason was specified.


The change in state was requested.


The file transfer was cancelled by the local user.


The file transfer was cancelled by the remote user.


The file transfer was cancelled because of a local error.


The file transfer was cancelled because of a remote error.


Enumerated type generated from the specification.


No hash.


MD5 digest as a string of 32 ASCII hex digits.


SHA1 digest as a string of ASCII hex digits.


SHA256 digest as a string of ASCII hex digits.


Enumerated type generated from the specification.


An audio stream


A video stream


Enumerated type generated from the specification.


The stream is disconnected.


The stream is trying to connect.


The stream is connected.


Enumerated type generated from the specification.


Media are not being sent or received


Media are being sent, but not received


Media are being received, but not sent


Media are being sent and received


Enumerated type generated from the specification.


An unknown error occurred


The requested contact was offline


The requested contact is not valid


The user does not have permission to speak on this channel


The outgoing message was too long and was rejected by the server


The channel doesn't support sending text messages to the requested contact


Enumerated type generated from the specification.

The type of message.


An ordinary chat message. Unknown types SHOULD be treated like this.


An action which might be presented to the user as "* <sender> <action>", such as an IRC CTCP ACTION (typically selected by the "/me" command). For example, the text of the message might be "drinks more coffee".


A one-off or automated message not necessarily expecting a reply


An automatically-generated reply message.


A delivery report. This message type MUST NOT appear unless the channel supports the Messages interface; see Message_Part for the format that delivery reports must take.


Enumerated type generated from the specification.


The tube is D-Bus tube as described by the org.freedesktop.Telepathy.Channel.Type.DBusTube interface.


The tube is stream tube as described by the org.freedesktop.Telepathy.Channel.Type.StreamTube interface.


Enumerated type generated from the specification.


The tube is waiting to be accepted/closed locally.


The tube is waiting to be accepted/closed remotely.


The tube is open for traffic.


Enumerated type generated from the specification.


The contact has effectively ceased participating in the chat.


The contact has not been active for some time.


The contact is actively participating in the chat.


The contact has paused composing a message.


The contact is composing a message to be sent to the chat.


Enumerated type generated from the specification.


































Enumerated type generated from the specification.

The reason for a set of handles to move to one of Members , LocalPendingMembers or RemotePendingMembers , or to be removed from the group. A client may supply a reason when attempting to remove members from a group with RemoveMembersWithReason() , and reasons are supplied by the CM when emitting MembersChanged() and MembersChangedDetailed() . Some reason codes have different meanings depending on the Actor in a MembersChanged signal.


No reason was provided for this change.

In particular, this reason SHOULD be used when representing users joining a named chatroom in the usual way, users leaving a chatroom by their own request, and normal termination of a StreamedMedia call by the remote user.

If the SelfHandle is removed from a group for this reason and the actor is not the SelfHandle, the equivalent D-Bus error is org.freedesktop.Telepathy.Error.Terminated.

If the SelfHandle is removed from a group for this reason and the actor is also the SelfHandle, the equivalent D-Bus error is org.freedesktop.Telepathy.Error.Cancelled.


The change is due to a user going offline. Also used when user is already offline, but this wasn't known previously.

If a one-to-one ChannelTypeStreamedMediaInterface call fails because the contact being called is offline, the connection manager SHOULD indicate this by removing both the SelfHandle and the other contact's handle from the Group interface with reason Offline.

For 1-1 calls, the call terminates as a result of removing the remote contact, so the SelfHandle should be removed at the same time as the remote contact and for the same reason.

If a handle is removed from a group for this reason, the equivalent D-Bus error is org.freedesktop.Telepathy.Error.Offline.


The change is due to a kick operation.

If the SelfHandle is removed from a group for this reason, the equivalent D-Bus error is org.freedesktop.Telepathy.Error.Channel.Kicked.


The change is due to a busy indication.

If a one-to-one ChannelTypeStreamedMediaInterface call fails because the contact being called is busy, the connection manager SHOULD indicate this by removing both the SelfHandle and the other contact's handle from the Group interface with reason Busy.

For 1-1 calls, the call terminates as a result of removing the remote contact, so the SelfHandle should be removed at the same time as the remote contact and for the same reason.

If the SelfHandle is removed from a group for this reason, the equivalent D-Bus error is org.freedesktop.Telepathy.Error.Busy.


The change is due to an invitation. This reason SHOULD only be used when contacts are added to the remote-pending set (to indicate that the contact has been invited) or to the members (to indicate that the contact has accepted the invitation). Otherwise, what would it mean?


The change is due to a kick+ban operation.

If the SelfHandle is removed from a group for this reason, the equivalent D-Bus error is org.freedesktop.Telepathy.Error.Channel.Banned.


The change is due to an error occurring.


The change is because the requested contact does not exist.

For instance, if the user invites a nonexistent contact to a chatroom or attempts to call a nonexistent contact, this could be indicated by the CM adding that contact's handle to remote-pending for reason None or Invited, then removing it for reason Invalid_Contact. In the case of a 1-1 StreamedMedia call, the CM SHOULD remove the self handle from the Group in the same signal.

For 1-1 calls, the call terminates as a result of removing the remote contact, so the SelfHandle should be removed at the same time as the remote contact and for the same reason.

If a contact is removed from a group for this reason, the equivalent D-Bus error is org.freedesktop.Telepathy.Error.DoesNotExist.


The change is because the requested contact did not respond.

If a one-to-one ChannelTypeStreamedMediaInterface call fails because the contact being called did not respond, or the local user did not respond to an incoming call, the connection manager SHOULD indicate this by removing both the SelfHandle and the other contact's handle from the Group interface with reason No_Answer.

Documenting existing practice.

If a contact is removed from a group for this reason, the equivalent D-Bus error is org.freedesktop.Telepathy.Error.NoAnswer.


The change is because a contact's unique identifier changed. There must be exactly one handle in the removed set and exactly one handle in one of the added sets. The org.freedesktop.Telepathy.Connection.Interface.Renaming.Renamed signal on the org.freedesktop.Telepathy.Connection.Interface.Renaming interface will have been emitted for the same handles, shortly before this MembersChanged() signal is emitted.


The change is because there was no permission to contact the requested handle.

If a contact is removed from a group for this reason, the equivalent D-Bus error is org.freedesktop.Telepathy.Error.PermissionDenied.


If members are removed with this reason code, the change is because the group has split into unconnected parts which can only communicate within themselves (e.g. netsplits on IRC use this reason code).

If members are added with this reason code, the change is because unconnected parts of the group have rejoined. If this channel carries messages (e.g. ChannelTypeTextInterface or ChannelTypeTubesInterface channels) applications must assume that the contacts being added are likely to have missed some messages as a result of the separation, and that the contacts in the group are likely to have missed some messages from the contacts being added.

Note that from the added contacts' perspective, they have been in the group all along, and the contacts we indicate to be in the group (including the local user) have just rejoined the group with reason Separated. Application protocols in Tubes should be prepared to cope with this situation.

The SelfHandle SHOULD NOT be removed from channels with this reason.


Enumerated type generated from the specification.

The hold state of a channel.


All streams are unheld (the call is active). New channels SHOULD have this hold state.


All streams are held (the call is on hold)


The connection manager is attempting to move to state Held, but has not yet completed that operation. It is unspecified whether any, all or none of the streams making up the channel are on hold.


The connection manager is attempting to move to state Held, but has not yet completed that operation. It is unspecified whether any, all or none of the streams making up the channel are on hold.


Enumerated type generated from the specification.

The reason for a change to the Local_Hold_State. Clients MUST treat unknown values as equivalent to Local_Hold_State_Reason_None.


The reason cannot be described by any of the predefined values (connection managers SHOULD avoid this reason, but clients MUST handle it gracefully)


The change is in response to a user request


The change is because some resource was not available


Enumerated type generated from the specification.

The status of a message as indicated by a delivery report. If this enum is extended in future specifications, this should only be to add new, non-overlapping conditions (i.e. all failures should still be signalled as either Temporarily_Failed or Permanently_Failed). If additional detail is required (e.g. distinguishing between the various types of permanent failure) this will be done using additional Delivery_Report_Header_Keys.


The message's disposition is unknown. Clients SHOULD consider all messages to have status Delivery_Status_Unknown unless otherwise specified; connection managers SHOULD NOT signal this delivery status explicitly.


The message has been delivered to the intended recipient.


Delivery of the message has failed. Clients SHOULD notify the user, but MAY automatically try sending another copy of the message. Similar to errors with type="wait" in XMPP; analogous to 4xx errors in SMTP.


Delivery of the message has failed. Clients SHOULD NOT try again unless by specific user action. If the user does not modify the message or alter configuration before re-sending, this error is likely to happen again. Similar to errors with type="cancel", type="modify" or type="auth" in XMPP; analogous to 5xx errors in SMTP.


An intermediate server has accepted the message but the message has not been yet delivered to the ultimate recipient. The connection manager might send a Failed report or Delivered report later. Similar to "202 Accepted" success code in SIP; analogous to 251 and 252 responses in SMTP.


The message has been read by the intended recipient.


The message has been deleted by the intended recipient. This MAY be signalled on its own if the message is deleted without being read, or after Read if the message was read before being deleted.


Enumerated type generated from the specification.

A reason why SASL authentication was aborted by the client.


The server sent an invalid challenge or data.


The user aborted the authentication.


Enumerated type generated from the specification.


The initial state. The Handler SHOULD either call AbortSASL, or connect to the NewChallenge signal then call StartMechanism or StartMechanismWithData.


The challenge/response exchange is in progress. The Handler SHOULD call either Respond or AcceptSASL exactly once per emission of NewChallenge, or call AbortSASL at any time.


The server has indicated successful authentication, and the connection manager is waiting for confirmation from the Handler. The Handler must call either AcceptSASL or AbortSASL to indicate whether it considers authentication to have been successful.


The Handler has indicated successful authentication, and the connection manager is waiting for confirmation from the server. The state will progress to either Succeeded or Server_Failed when confirmation is received.


Everyone is happy (the server sent success, and the client has called AcceptSASL). Connection to the server will proceed as soon as this state is reached. The Handler SHOULD call Close to close the channel.


The server has indicated an authentication failure. If CanTryAgain is true, the client may try to authenticate again, by calling StartMechanism or StartMechanismWithData again. Otherwise, it should give up completely, by calling Close on the channel.


The client has indicated an authentication failure. The possible actions are the same as for Server_Failed.


Enumerated type generated from the specification.


The initiator offered the tube. The tube is waiting to be accepted/closed locally. If the client accepts the tube, the tube's state will be Open.


The tube is waiting to be accepted/closed remotely. If the recipient accepts the tube, the tube's state will be Open.


The initiator offered the tube and the recipient accepted it. The tube is open for traffic. The tube's state stays in this state until it is closed.


The tube channel has been requested but the tube is not yet offered. The client should offer the tube to the recipient and the tube's state will be Remote_Pending. The method used to offer the tube depends on the tube type.


Enumerated type generated from the specification.


A Unix socket. The address variant contains a byte-array, signature 'ay', containing the path of the socket.


An abstract Unix socket. The address variant contains a byte-array, signature 'ay', containing the path of the socket including the leading null byte.


An IPv4 socket. The address variant contains a Socket_Address_IPv4, i.e. a structure with signature (sq) in which the string is an IPv4 dotted-quad address literal (and must not be a DNS name), while the 16-bit unsigned integer is the port number.


An IPv6 socket. The address variant contains a Socket_Address_IPv6, i.e. a structure with signature (sq) in which the string is an IPv6 address literal as specified in RFC2373 (and must not be a DNS name), while the 16-bit unsigned integer is the port number.


Enumerated type generated from the specification.


The IP or Unix socket can be accessed by any local user (e.g. a Unix socket that accepts all local connections, or an IP socket listening on (or ::1) or rejecting connections not from that address). The associated variant must be ignored.


May only be used on IP sockets. The associated variant must contain a struct Socket_Address_IPv4 (or Socket_Address_IPv6) containing the string form of an IP address of the appropriate version, and a port number. The socket can only be accessed if the connecting process has that address and port number; all other connections will be rejected.


May only be used on IP sockets. The associated variant must contain a struct Socket_Netmask_IPv4 (or Socket_Netmask_IPv6) with signature (sy), containing the string form of an IP address of the appropriate version, and a prefix length "n". The socket can only be accessed if the first n bits of the connecting address match the first n bits of the given address.


May only be used on UNIX sockets. The connecting process must send a byte when it first connects, which is not considered to be part of the data stream. If the operating system uses sendmsg() with SCM_CREDS or SCM_CREDENTIALS to pass credentials over sockets, the connecting process must do so if possible; if not, it must still send the byte.

The listening process will disconnect the connection unless it can determine by OS-specific means that the connecting process has the same user ID as the listening process.

The associated variant must be ignored.


Enumerated type generated from the specification.


An unknown error occured.


The end of the stream was reached.


There are no common codecs between the local side and the other particpants in the call. The possible codecs are not signalled here: the streaming implementation is assumed to report them in an implementation-dependent way, e.g. Farsight should use GstMissingElement.


A network connection for the Media could not be established or was lost.


There was an error in the networking stack (other than the connection failure).


There are no installed codecs for this media type.


The CM is doing something wrong.


There was an error in the media processing stack.


Enumerated type generated from the specification.


UDP (User Datagram Protocol)


TCP (Transmission Control Protocol)


Enumerated type generated from the specification.


A local address


An external address derived by a method such as STUN


An external stream relay


Variable Documentation

1 higher than the highest valid value of HandleType.

1 higher than the highest valid value of ConnectionStatus.

1 higher than the highest valid value of ConnectionStatusReason.

1 higher than the highest valid value of ContactListState.

1 higher than the highest valid value of SubscriptionState.

1 higher than the highest valid value of ContactMetadataStorageType.

1 higher than the highest valid value of HTTPMethod.

1 higher than the highest valid value of ServicePointType.

1 higher than the highest valid value of ConnectionPresenceType.

1 higher than the highest valid value of AccessControlType.

1 higher than the highest valid value of RichPresenceAccessControlType.

1 higher than the highest valid value of ChannelContactSearchState.

1 higher than the highest valid value of FileTransferState.

1 higher than the highest valid value of FileTransferStateChangeReason.

1 higher than the highest valid value of FileHashType.

1 higher than the highest valid value of MediaStreamType.

1 higher than the highest valid value of MediaStreamState.

1 higher than the highest valid value of MediaStreamDirection.

1 higher than the highest valid value of ChannelTextSendError.

1 higher than the highest valid value of ChannelTextMessageType.

const int Tp::NUM_TUBE_TYPES

1 higher than the highest valid value of TubeType.

1 higher than the highest valid value of TubeState.

1 higher than the highest valid value of ChannelChatState.

1 higher than the highest valid value of DTMFEvent.

1 higher than the highest valid value of ChannelGroupChangeReason.

1 higher than the highest valid value of LocalHoldState.

1 higher than the highest valid value of LocalHoldStateReason.

1 higher than the highest valid value of DeliveryStatus.

1 higher than the highest valid value of SASLAbortReason.

1 higher than the highest valid value of SASLStatus.

1 higher than the highest valid value of TubeChannelState.

1 higher than the highest valid value of SocketAddressType.

1 higher than the highest valid value of SocketAccessControl.

1 higher than the highest valid value of MediaStreamError.

1 higher than the highest valid value of MediaStreamBaseProto.

1 higher than the highest valid value of MediaStreamTransportType.

Copyright © 2008-2011 Collabora Ltd. and Nokia Corporation
Telepathy-Qt4 0.6.5